Bitcoin tipping challenge: guess the price of Bitcoin and win 10 Hive

Hi there my Hivean friends and followers!

I know it may seem kind of controversial to host another round of my special Bitcoin tipping challenge now when the crypto market is bleeding heavily but we all know how extremely unpredictable the market is and I´m really curious to know how you guys see the not so distant future in terms of the Bitcoin price.

As of this writing, Bitcoin is climbing back to the $20k mark after dropping below $18k yesterday, which is something I honestly thought we would never see happening again. But there we go. It only took a few months and some crazy events around the world to knock down the price of Bitcoin from almost $70k all the way to $20k and it may not even be the new bottom.

But who knows. Maybe it actually is the new bottom and we will be going up from here again. One month can be a very long time in the world of crypto and I´m really curious to know where you guys see the price of Bitcoin in one month from now :)

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If you want to participate in this tipping challenge, please submit your guess on what the price of Bitcoin will be in exactly 30 days from now (that is on July 19, 2022) at 11:00 A.M. Central European Time (CET).

  • Please round your guess to whole dollars (for example: $23,456).

  • You can submit your guess from now until the payout of this post.

  • Only one guess per person.

  • No editing is allowed.

The ending Bitcoin price for the challenge will be taken from and proved with a screenshot taken from their website on July 19, 2022 at 11:00 A.M. CET.

The winner (fastest correct or closest tip) will win 10 Hive from me.

We had as many as 26 valid entries in the last round and I cannot wait to see if we surpass the number in this round.

I am looking forward to checking out your guesses guys :) Good luck everyone!

This post was created by me for the Hive blockchain exclusively. All rights reserved.


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