We all work hard everyday and finding time to relax and unwind seems to be impossible it's as if we are working too much and have little or no time to ourselves. For some it may not be a problem of time as they may be able to find time for leisure but due to the high inflation and rising cost of food items they may consider it as being too expensive and beyond their budget while others may wonder where would be suitable to have fun and entertain themselves and their families. Let's look at some tips on how to plan on an inexpensive and quality leisure time that will not only be fun filled and entertaining but will be long lasting and memorable.


Music is seen by many as the food of the soul and you don't need to spend much money to enjoy the goodness of music. In the city where I live,a lot of the youngsters do not know much about the songs of the good old days. You can get some collections of these and the and current songs that the youngsters are used to.Some youngsters do not know that songs were recorded on cassettes and turntables. If you can get this items this will be fine, invite a few friends who are elderly, middle aged or young in years.The total number may be 7 to 10 people. For the food,arrange a light refreshment which may consist of a fruit drink like zobo commonly used in my locality.The drink called zobo is made from hibiscus flower, pineapple and ginger. Fried meat, barbecued meat (suya) or even groundnut can go with this drink. Then organize a game where all those present will choose their favorite songs and then sing it themselves before the song is played. Not everyone present will know how to sing but the fun is in seeing them express themselves through music.


You can conclude by asking those present to identify the musical items that you have gathered starting with the young ones, for the elderly ask if they can identify modern entertainment accessories like the USB and others. You will be surprised at the outcome.


Engaging in fitness activities is a low cost way to have fun at no cost.You can visit parks or any open space in your vicinity. There are fitness apps and sessions online that you can look up at home. Early Saturday or Sunday mornings affords many people in my area the opportunity to join others on a fitness walk of about 2km to and from the stadium.


Doing this regularly will make you have some fun as it will help you bond and socialize with others you may not know are your neighbors.


I used to know how to play a lot of games like monopoly,snake and ladder,ludo, drought, card games, Ayo game, scrabble, chess and so on. Over time I have not played some of these games for decades and so I have forgotten how they are played. There are people who like me have forgotten how some games are played. You can rediscover the fun and entertainment that comes from playing these games and invite a few friends to a night of games.Ensure that there are a few people who know how to play most of the games among them. Then you and others like you can challenge yourselves to learning how to play these games.


A light refreshment can be served while this is done and and you will see how entertaining and relaxing this can be.


While growing up, a lot of us were taught how to plant and cultivate small gardens but modernity and the fast-paced life of the 21st century has made the younger generation to lose touch with such activities as gardening. Gardening is an inexpensive endeavor and does not require you to rent a land for farming.. Small scale gardening can be done on your window sill or a small space in your backyard. You can start by planting some flowers, vegetables or herbs which can also be done in sacks or containers.


The fun of teaching your kids how this is done and watching them practice gardening is a worthwhile pursuit.


You may be living in an area but may not know that there are historical sites in the area. You may also be aware but have not created time to visit it. If you live in a city that offers free tours, you can visit this historical landmarks yourself with your family or with your friends. Immerse yourself in the thrill of discovery and insights into the rich culture and history of the area that you live in. Such trips affords you the opportunity to enjoy the beauty of nature at a very minimal cost.


You can turn your kitchen to a theater of discovery and laughter. Find out foods that you don't know how to cook well and invite a friend to come teach you how it is cooked. Other friends may also be invited to try out a recipe that they have not used before. At the end, all those invited will taste the different meals prepared and then make an assessment,you will be surprised and amused at the judgments that they will give. The joy of having to do this with friends in your home is worth the effort.


Hosting many guests may be expensive but you may desire to have this friends unwind with you at a location. To achieve this, each person coming can be asked to prepare a meal and come with some drinks, by the time everyone comes with a meal you'll be surprised that there will be enough food to go round and from experience there are often leftovers. With this the burden of having friends come together to have a good time is not placed on a shoulder but is a shared responsibility. Thereby the focus will be on having fun and enjoying the good times with lots of friends.


Life is short and should be enjoyed, to enjoy wholesome entertainment does not require you to break the bank. Some outdoor activities like fitness walks and other forms of exercise, exploring your locality, enjoying music, gardening and cooking challenge can help you enjoy good times with friends and family at low cost..

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