The Most Important Benefit of the ETF Approval .:. #MyHiveGoals 2024

Everyone shot their opinion about this BTC ETF thingy in the first two days, so when we have cooled down, I could share my humble, non-expert, noob-ish opinion about it...

Was it a manipulation? Where did they buy their BTC if the price didn't move up? How the heck did the price go down when we were brainwashed that we would see 50-55K Bitcoin on the first day of ETF? Is it possible that every single person pulled out their funds from GBTC and dropped on the market and that's why it went down 20%? So many questions and nobody has exact answers, but everyone tries to give their best shot...

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You know my opinion about these "predictions" and you know my favorite reply that I like to post in the form of the GIF...

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I don't have a crystal ball I DON'T KNOW where will go and I DON'T KNOW the answers to the question listed above... I can give my opinion, but that will not change anything and probably give you a fake feeling of calmness, or stress... So, I will not go into it at all...

What we can say for sure is what we can see happening... Having these ETFs approved has its pros and cons... Regarding cons, I would say that in some way, we could say that we created something great (BTC), and give them to use and make money from it... On the other side, plenty of other cryptocurrencies are not "theirs", if you want to play that card...

On the other side, PROS are significant! Do you remember how Bitcoin (and other cryptocurrencies) were presented in public and mainstream media for the last 15 years? It was used for all possible criminal activities, all terrorist attacks in the last decade were funded by crypto and other crap like that...

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Luckily for us, these big companies that run the world wanted part of the cryptocurrency cake... They couldn't watch anymore how trillions of dollars are traded and they are not taking their fees... When the volume passed a certain number, all those wars, terrorists, and drugs, became irrelevant and they put pressure on governments to "legalize" crypto... They don't care about decentralization, they don't care about self-custody, they don't care about your freedom of choice, but they do care about FEES and MONEY...

Now, when they are on "our side" they are doing the job which we couldn't do as we don't have access to mainstream media... On the other side, these companies OWN media all around the globe... And from day -1 they have already launched marketing campaigns to "sell their BTC product"... The past is forgotten... No more terrorists can use BTC when they are selling it... 😃

Now, imagine how we "survived" and THRIVED all these years of all that negative marketing about crypto and how the values went up... Imagine what is the potential of all that, but this time with the POSITIVE BRAINWASHING from these companies? That's the most important benefit of the ETF approvals!!

The only way is up... Zoom out the picture and enjoy the ride!

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Let's go back to #MyHiveGoals as I almost forgot that I wanted to do my report about my weekly progress... :)

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This year, I will try to not go deep in my goals stats week by week... Also, I will probably skip some reports, depending on my free time, but definitely, I will not stop following my goals and working on them!

It's time to update the numbers and put them into the spreadsheet until the next week! So, freshly updated numbers for #MyHIVEGoals, on January 14th, 2023 are:


As you can see, I have accumulated an additional 264 HivePower during this week, which isn't a bad result at all... If I split the needed amount of HivePower per month to reach my 100K goal, I would need around 1600 HP per month... If I divide that further, that's around 400 HP per week... So, I'm a bit short, but I expect that it will be better in the next weeks/months...

Regarding my Liotes Diesel Pool goal, I have added 76 shares during this week... If I do a similar calculation for this goal as I did for HP, I would need around 55 shares per week... This means that I did better this week!

Finally, my Rising Star goal is doing slower than expected as I used this first week to check out market prices of some older cards as I want to create a buying strategy... I did buy a couple of cards besides my regular packs opening, but I will go much harder into buying soon... All in all, I have added 212 NFTs to my collection... The needed weekly amount for this goal is around 300 cards per week...

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These were my initial numbers and goals for 2024, created on January 7th, 2024...

MyHiveGoals 2024 Edition - The Beginning!

Join me in this awesome #MyHiveGoals and let's grow together! It is fun, motivating, and will keep you focused!

Thank you for your time,


PS. None of this is financial advice of any kind...

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