Raising the Bar Keeps Me Motivated, But... .:. #MyHiveGoals 2022

Last week, I was writing about the quantity and quality when we look at content creation... Which one is better and more profitable in a short term and the long term... I suppose that there are many different approaches to that, but in general, when I try to build something, I pay attention more to quality as it should bring longevity...

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Created in Canva.com

The issue appears when we are trying to bring more and more things to the table... We, as humans, tend to improve things and try to reach "perfection", which probably is always "just around the next corner"... The same happens to me... I want to bring more value to my posts and try to deliver something NEW every single time... That's not a bad thing, but the problem is that many times I drop some good ideas just because I THINK that they aren't good enough... But even those ideas could help someone...

Raising the bar can be a good thing as it pushes us to improve ourselves and our work, which could be only beneficial to our surroundings... In our example, it could help the community... Until it helps 1 person, it's still worth doing it... But, there is another human characteristic involved... I would say GREED, but in our case, greed to reach perfection, which could have a side-effect and slow down our progress...

So, in a conclusion, everything comes back to BALANCE... It's impossible to write a PERFECT post, but it doesn't have to be perfect... It should be valuable to readers and that should be the guidance for creation...

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Let's get back to the #MyHiveGoals and numbers for the last week... The chart from the HiveStats website doesn't show today's numbers, but still, it's accurate and shows the direction... 😃 And it's up! 😀

screenshot from hivestats.io

Lately, I'm trying to stick to my 500 HIVE power-ups per week in a hope that I will catch and hit my yearly goal of over 55K Hive Power! I don't have an exact number, but rather the ORCA rank which is around that number (maybe a couple of hundred more... oops) at the moment... Also, I have started to follow my rank at HiveBuzz, sorted by owned Hive Power... Currently, I'm in the 319th place of all Hivers!

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Regarding my LEO Power, this week I didn't sell any tokens and staked all my earnings... It was 116 LEO tokens in 7 days, which isn't a bad result at all... I'm very close to my monthly goal and when I hit it, I will probably exchange the rest of the tokens for HIVE... But, we will see what happens until then...

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I mentioned in the last report that we have another whale with a large amount of liquid WORKERBEE tokens on the market... But, it looks like this one has patience as we didn't see some large dumps in price... Currently, it seems like a chess game where everyone is waiting for the first move of the "other side"... I had some liquid WORKERBEE tokens and I have decided to stake them... I'm only 250 WORKERBEE tokens far from hitting my yearly goal!

This week, I didn't speculate a lot about the BEE tokens... All my curation earnings are staked, and I have exchanged some of my mining rewards during the week... I have no hurry of hitting this goal, probably because I have already hit my "first" goal, and this one is my "revised" goal...

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Removing the Millionaire card from the RISING STAR game had multiple effects on the STARBITS stability and price in general... Yes, I do accumulate NFTs (cards) in my gaming goals, but I still have to buy those packs with STARBITS, and also need STARPRO tokens to get some cards, too! So, it's important to have a stable game coin... As I said, removing the Millionaire card from printing is definitely a good move for long-term stability, but on the other side, it was a nice incentive for people to collect tokens (and buy them from the market)... Without that incentive, a lot of people decided just to dump the tokens on the market and the price went down...

Anyways, there is another mechanism between two game tokens (STARBITS and STARPRO) that should stabilize the price... I suppose that we have to find the "sweet spot", or better said, the actual value of the token...

Another 12.5K unstake happened and my SPS tokens stake went down a bit more... I will not have more of these huge unstakes, but I will have more of 5K unstakes in the next 4 weeks...

I have added another "note" in my spreadsheet as I'm not counting ONLY my staked SPS tokens for this goal, but also the number of my SPS tokens inside the SWAP.HIVE:SPS liquidity pool... As the price of the SPS tokens went down a bit, the number of tokens that I hold inside the pool has grown a bit... In general, I don't expect that the number of my SPS stash will go down a lot in the next 3-4 weeks... After that, if the price stays where it is, this number should go up...

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It's time to update the numbers and put them into the spreadsheet until the next week! So, freshly updated numbers for #MyHIVEGoals, on October 16th, 2022 are:


Join us in this awesome #MyHiveGoals and let's grow together! You can find the original post about the challenge by @robwillmann here.

Thank you for your time,


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The link to my initial 2022 Goals Edition is here...

These are my initial goals for 2022 created on January 2nd, 2022:


Update 06.02.2022.
BEE POWER 2500 --> 3500
RISING STAR NFTs 5555 --> 6000
Update 04.09.2022.
HIVE POWER 54000 --> 55000 (ORCA rank minimum went up)

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If you want to support my witness, you can do it by voting for @ph1102.ctp here https://tribaldex.com/witnesses, or just scan the QR code down below...


Don't forget to follow, reblog, and browse my Hivepage to stay connected with all the great stuff!

You can also find me on LEO Finance .:. Twitter .:. LBRY

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