Hypnotized .:. MyHiveGoals 2024

After everything that I saw in my life, after everything that I read in the history books, after everything that I experienced, I thought that certain things CAN'T be repeated... We can't allow ourselves to repeat the same mistakes over and over again... It's hard to believe that we are living in the 21st century and that we still have wars that use religion (and faith) as a tool for creating conflicts... After tons of materials, online books, that are available to everyone to read, to research, and educate them, we are still drinking the Kool-Aid...

How the heck is even possible that anyone can believe that any religion is based on destroying the other one, that is based on HATE, and not on LOVE and UNDERSTANDING... I had a theory (and not just me), that we as humans are going backward regarding intelligence and that we are "more stupid" year by year... Not sure if that is because of all the brainwashing that comes from the media, or it is because of our laziness to do the work, research, and raise our voices against the stupidity...

Anyway, that wasn't the idea of this post, but I had to vent out as it's always hard to see human sacrifices because of 2 to 3 hot heads with huge egos and money appetites...

Created in Canva.com

The topic is the current state of Hivians that I know... In most cases, we EXACTLY know what we must do and WHEN we have to do things... The problem comes when we have to take action and do the work! Lately, I have found many of Hivians (including myself) de-motivated to continue doing the job, creating content, engaging with others, etc. It is easy to explain that kind of behavior in the BEAR market as rewards are not big, and it's demotivating to work for pennies (in the hope that one day they will be more valuable)...

From my perspective, it is much easier to create content and do the work in the BEAR, as I don't expect too much, just doing the work, accumulating without thinking and speculating about price... Heads down and doing the work...

On the other side, in the bull markets, I got so many times distracted by things in crypto... It is more volatile, the whole market is more active, and new coins are coming every day (even hours!), and all that distracts me from doing the job... And not just that, it distracts me from doing a PROPER research! There is no time for that as there are so many things happening... It doesn't help when "crypto-comebackers" are coming back asking 1000 questions about the same thing that they asked 4 years ago...

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Combine all that with additional uncertainty about inflation, which makes our lives more uncertain, and all the bad news (war) from the media, and you get the perfect storm... The perfect complot for a mental breakdown... Those who were the strongest, those who were pushing in the hardest times, become hypnotized, stunned by things happening when they should have taken profits, and collected the fruits of their hard labor...

That's what I see around me... That's what I see in my behavior even if I don't want to accept and admit it... Somehow, we have a feeling that we are manipulated (which we were and are), but at a deeper level, that we didn't even realize before...

... and that stupid feeling... that I could do better... It's not greed, it's just a feeling that you could do more... and you fall into the trap of making stupid moves, buying a meme coin, exchanging your blue-chip token into some shitcoin, chasing a higher yield, chasing an additional 10%...

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Back to the #MyHiveGoals numbers... I was doing these stats every second week, but as I will not be available next weekend, let's do it today!

screenshot from hivestats.io

Another abbreviation that I learned recently is NGU (Number Go Up), and this chart shows that my HivePower number does go up... Could it be better, it could... Maybe if I were less hypnotized by dozens of distractions, it would... 😃 Luckily for me, I have built a nice HP stack in the past years, and through curation rewards, that HivePower generates more of it! A bit less than 130 HP per week is generated through my staked HIVE, which is awesome!

If you have some stake, it works for you in these "blackouts" as it is almost like a passive income... If not, you are f... 😃


In the last 7 days, I have added 259 HivePower to my account, which is almost double my curation rewards... As I was doing daily power-ups of liquid HIVE, that means that my author rewards were lower than curation rewards!! I can't remember that was the case in the past!

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Regarding my SWAP.HIVE:LEN shares, I'm closer to my monthly goal than ever before! I bought some cheap LENM tokens, swapped them in the pool, and got LEN tokens cheaper than the market price... Some of those tokens were added back to the pool that I follow with this goal... It is expected to see people dumping tokens that they have not researched and they don't fully understand how they work... That is a perfect moment for you (the person who understands how it works) to step in and grab them for a cheap price! NFA!

Rising Star goal is moving forward nicely... Not only that I have more cards than last week, but also it's nice to see that the game is developing and new features are added month by month... If you are in the Rising Star Discord, you have probably noticed a great vibe where the community genuinely cares about the game and discusses, giving ideas for further improvements!!

I have added over 700 cards to my Rising Star goal and I'm less than 5K cards to my yearly goal!

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These were my initial numbers and goals for 2024, created on January 7th, 2024...

MyHiveGoals 2024 Edition - The Beginning!

Join me in this awesome #MyHiveGoals and let's grow together! It is fun, motivating, and will keep you focused!

Thank you for your time,


PS. None of this is financial advice of any kind...

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Don't forget to follow, reblog, and browse my Hivepage to stay connected with all the great stuff!

You can also find me on InLeo .:. Twitter .:. LBRY

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