Your Three NEW Frog Battle Game Cards!

Wait those are mine! You'll have to wait.. SOON...

So me froggie got to test and open me first frog battle game card pack! Me froggie gotz one rare and two commons. Also one of each color. Which means me haz complete range of froggie battle cards. Wut da frog dat mean? You may be wonderin'.. Da red frog haz a range of one (1). Da green frog haz a range of two being like an archer can reach further. Den da blue frog haz a range of three using majickal powers. Deez cards look pretty gud health wise too. With health of seven, and four. Deez are level one cards. Wen me froggie gets moar and haz ones that match they may be leveled up to da next level (of two) card. Still moar to be done with the frog battle game.

Let's go play a battle card game to see wut it will be like and share another example like we do most days.

Just pretend their frogs if you want!

Me gotz better (ro)bots then frog anyways (fer meow).

Okay, on with da fun!

Winner winner chicken tendies dinner!

Will do a full walk through as game is moar ready. Sharing a battle example in a post most days. While also sharing sum other details or update. Like today with being about to test open a froggie pack!

Feels Good Man!


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