The Rebirth of LEOFINANCE

If we are to be referred to as the Israelites in Egypt, for me, I will say at this moment we are definitely getting closer to our promised land.

Come to think of it, have you ever imagined that Leofinance could turn out the way it's now some years ago? Even if you say yes or whatever you choose to say, there might be a little evidence of doubt in your opinion.

Recently have being taking my time daily to study every single happening in the community, especially since the “everything app” was talked about. Honestly, the team has indeed put up an excellent work, which has indeed changed numerous things in the community.

Arguably, this is our Leofinance Promise Land. Looking back and comparing where we are now with where we used to be before, it is obvious that we are certainly far better than what the community used to be in the past.

There are countless things to talk about now in the community, especially looking at the level of changes that have occurred in the past few months, the emergence of the new Leofinance(The Rebirth Of LEOFINANCE) has indeed taken activities to the next level, which has not just increased users' active level alone but also helped in making the community the face of Hive Blockchain as a whole.

The Rebirth

There are many things to talk about when looking at what has really happened, how far we have come, and the level of changes that sum up all the new look we have now in the community. let take a look at some improvement attributed to the Leofinance Rebirth.

The New UI

Definitely, this is the first thing that happened here on Leofinance: having a new interface for its users. The introduction of the front end was really a big thing, and compared to what we used to have before, it really shows how interesting the community is progressing.

Today, no one can compare what we have here presently to what we used to have before; even on Web 2.0 right now, no social media interface comes with this type of design that makes activities more accessible and easy.

Just take a look at what I am saying; there are plenty of ways in which this has improved activities and fasten engagement than what it used to be on Old UI.
The NewUi comes with the long form section and the threads section, which give users access to switch between the two.

Improved Micro-blogging

I remember telling a friend that this is definitely the best place to experience what microblogging means on Hive Blockchain. There is absolutely more to talk about on Leofinance Rebirth, and microblogging is definitely one thing that the community has done well to make this new phase an excellent one.

We might not be getting the level of traffic required in terms of user relevancy and engagement, but even on Web 2.0, engagement is not as interesting as it is right now.

Things will certainly get better, but for now, the community has indeed experienced a new look, as microblogging is definitely helping to increase the level of interactions with others. It's not just all about long form again, but having the avenue to discuss and elaborate on anything just as it happens on other social media such as WhatsApp and Facebook has really made it more fun.

In recent times, this has served as a means of connecting and strengthening users' commitment to the community and also building relationships with others. In the last few months, I have been able to interact with plenty of individuals, something the old UI wouldn't have given me.


Do you ever know what micro-earning was before on Hive? I doubt that, but this is what we have now. It's widely clear that the New Leofinance is quite outstanding. I remember a user saying the average or lowest one should earn daily is $10. I agree because being active on threads and posting long form should definitely get you that daily.

Do you ever imagine how much you could earn on threads daily before now?especially with the little upvote that drops on your thread's post? This and many more are what the rebirth of LEOFINANCE has given us.

I am absolutely one of these individuals who always believes in spreading the gospel of the Leofinance community and its benefits. There is certainly more now to tell people outside about Web 3.0 and the Leofinance community; here's their biggest means of escaping a poor financial life. Even with the good recent turnout at $LEO Price, I can sense that bringing more individuals here is like the Israelites escaping from Egypt.

Even now, I will say, we are not there yet, as I still believe there is more to come in the community and for it's users, but where we are now is pretty wonderful and better than where we used to be. In all honesty, this is a new Leofinance community.

The rebirth has begun.

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