Hive is swinging above 1 USD, expect a surge of activity on Hive!

Hive is maturing

Another pump on Hive today, and I must admit, an unexpected one for me. I expected Hive to consolidate around 90 dollar cents. But it went differently, Hive even went as high as 1.3 USD today. Right now it is hovering around 1.06 USD. There were some major swings today, up and down, but now a consolidation above 1 USD seems to be happening. And that is amazing news, it brings Hive in another ball park. Volume went above 600 million dollars today, which is huge. Some major players, made a lot of money today, but most Hivians made money today too. So, I am not complaining, to the contrary. I have the feeling that Hive is maturing. There is a lot of activity, the NFT games like dCity, Cryptobrewmaster, dCrops, etc... are booming. The communities are very active, and Hive Engine gets more and more transactions. Hive is past its puberty, and becoming a man. We still have a long way to go. But the market cap of a half a billion $ is in sight. And I promise you once we get passed the 1 billion $ mark, there is no more stopping of this train. It will become a more accessible "Ethereum" with fast, easy and cheap transactions, unprecedented scalability and dApp and NFT heaven. Once the true mainstream gets this, well, we could be millionaires... With the accentuation on "could"!

We can expect the activity on Hive to increase substantially the next few days and weeks. Users that weren't posting or curating, will suddenly see that it pays off to do that. More activity, means more new users, means more demand, means again more price action! That is what I call a good vicious circle.



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