Preaching The Good Gospel Of Hive, The Blockchain For Web3

Preaching The Good Gospel Of Hive, The Blockchain For Web3

I've looked for the appropriate time to do this but I think there's no a good time than now to start.


1.Screenshot From my Facebook account
2.Hive Logo gotten from Hiveblocks medium
I've been on Hive for over 2 years and still counting and I was able to see the good light from Hive Blockchain. I've thought of several means to contribute my quota to the platform since the platform as contributed immensely to my growth and learning over the few years I've spent here. I tried my best to join some of the zealy campaigns organized by some great minds on the Blockchain which gave me a wider experience of what Hive is and the importance of being a Hiver. I am not yet a pro-hiver but I've learned to a good capacity of what is going on in Web3 and Hive pricisely compared to my thoughts about it sometime ago.

I have taken it upon myself to pass down the knowledge I've conceived about Hive, web3 and cryptocurrency to the people that aren't aware of all of these. Just like during one of the shows on zealy we understood that the biggest place to find people to talk to them about Hive is on our various web2 platforms like Twitter(X), TikTok, Facebook and other web2 social media platforms. Web3 apparently needs web2 for publicity and expressions. Let's say the people web3 is looking for are stocked in web2 and the best way to bring them to the new evolution is by going to web2 where they are and create awareness of what is in front of them they are missing. I have started my own as you can see in the screenshot above😊.

I feel I got to know about Hive a bit late because I've invested so much time and effort on places that aren't just profitable to me. I am pretty sure some persons out there are doing same and can't wait to come to the light of Hive I call the Blockchain for web3.

I have started classes with few persons and I was able to onboard more than 5 persons already who have successfully written their introductory post in just some few days back.
You can check them out below and welcome them to hive.

Who?... Me?... My Introductory Post!!! by @jessierosa99


Meet Micj||My Introductory Post by @micj


IT'S ME... My Introductory Post by @sabaadams


Meet Johndoy||My Introductory Post by @johndoy0


Some people I've onboarded and they're doing well on Hive already are:

And some other persons that didn't continue for some other reasons I really don't know.

I understand the few challenges involve in onboarding new users to the platform and I have been up and doing making sure to check on the people I've onboarded to make sure they're not breaking the rules. I have few persons I onboarded and despite my numerous warnings against plagiarism they ended up fooling themselves and now they are no where to be found. This time around, I am careful with the kind of persons I bring to Hive because I would not want them to tanish my image on Hive.

My Plans For These Project.

One of the measures I ensured so as to bring more users to Hive is by doing the classes free for them. I don't want to charge them based on my instincts and I want allot of people to come to the reality of Hive.

I am pretty sure that with time I will set up a Hive class room where I will take live classes and online classes about Hive the Blockchain for web3. It isn't going to be easy I know but I pray to get supported by my like-minded persons here. For now, I use the Facebook and Twitter for creation of awareness and then take my classes on Whatsapp for now. I have a total of twenty one persons in the group already and I am sure many will still come. I will be holding a section with them atleast once a week and will try to share my progress with you all here as I build capacity to enlarge this little project of mine.

Screenshot From my WhatsApp account
For now, I wouldn't say I'm not facing few challenges doing this but like I said with your support I will definitely take this to the next step like encouraging them with votes through there early beginnings and many others. I fully understand that we are not here to just farm votes for ourselves on Hive but to work hard and make a good space on Hive but we can make onboarding easy when we support those that are coming new.

Thank you very much for reading through and your kind opinion is welcomed in the comment section below 👇👇

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