PlatON Privacy-Preserving Computation White Paper (Tech View) | Part 1. Overall Framework Review

Hi guys and welcome to another beautiful Monday morning/new week, the weather is just about right to give you that pump you need in other to tackle any challenge that comes forth this week.

While you tidy up yourself and prepare for the days ahead, let's quickly take a quick review on PlatON recent article about privacy preserving computation and I must say, PlatON is here to stay and they are not just bringing privacy in a decentralized manner but more.

To advance further we first need to take a glimpse on how this all started, BTC as many know was the very first cryptocurrency which made use of the blockchain with all data processed via a block using a consensus system, this in short means no one will be able to edit any information typed in, once executed it becomes public to all and also irreversible, this brought about live changing ideas but also brought limitations over time.

Bitcoin provided a seamless means of exchange via a p2p system but humans we always hunger for more, we needed something that didn't just allow a straight line transaction but something more, something able to use real time application to execute itself without any 3rd party interference and after several pondering, Ethereum was created alongside its smart contract which would change the very nature of blockchain to a whole new concept.

Smart contract makes use of a trustless system and real life data which in turn executes commands fed into it and all this is carried out without any 3rd part input.

Truly it brought about a great change in blockchain and the entire crypto space.

With both fully operational and running no one ever expected a wide scale application, they both operates onchain using pow system and hence requires higher computation power over time this lead to higher demand in electricity, high grade computers making it almost impossible for your every day tech guy to run a btc mining operation, while this progresses more power is needed in other to meets days requirement.

PlatON took this into accountability and worked on ways to bring computation to a cheap, privacy proofed, and friendly to all.

PlatON whitepaper was created 19 July 2018, and after years of improvement and upgrades it finally launched from a testnet phase and into a mainnet 2021

Since the PlatON white paper was released on 19 July 2018, and after nearly three years of continuous upgrades and improvements, PlatON has has grown into a distributed computing network infrastructure with complete architecture, leading features and excellent performance.

In the PlatON network, privacy-preserving computation technology is the core engine supporting PlatON and Alaya networks, laying the cryptographic foundation of the PlatON privacy-preserving computation AI network.

LatticeX Foundation aims to solve three main problems in the blockchain community, including privacy, storage and key management

As we mentioned above, the issue of storage, and privacy is gradually becoming a real huddle to everyday crypto use.

We have times users would wait for mins in other for a transaction to go through due to a congested system and other times pay high fees which was never the case to begin with.

Among the many benefits of blockchain, cheap to zero fee was suppose to be one of its many advantages over centralized system, with the current system this is gradually deviating.

Regards to privacy, blockchain as we know, is decentralized meaning a single entity don't have control over platforms that runs on it, but again all information processed are made known to the public which is not too ideal when it comes to financial businesses, many would like their in-house transaction to be kept private, from address that sent/received, to the amount of asset been used, privacy becomes needed and this is where PlatON comes into play.

This solution or plan is based on the architecture of PlatON 2.0. The vision of PlatON 2.0 is to build a decentralized and collaborative AI network and global brain to drive the democratization of artificial general intelligence

To bring the above into reality, a three-layer network is considered in PlatON 2.0. The first layer is Consensus Layer.

Consensus network is a decentralized network composed of blockchain nodes, which are connected to each other through P2P protocols and can be consensual through consensus protocols in an environment where no one needs to be trusted.

The second layer is the Privacy-Preserving Computation Network. Data nodes and computing nodes could connect to this layer and publish data and contribute computing power. Through smart contracts on the blockchain, a decentralized sharing and trading marketplace for data, algorithms and computing power can be built. Based on the cryptographic economics it will form an effective incentive mechanism to motivate more data, algorithms and computing power to join the network.

The third layer is Collaborative AI Network, in which multi-agent systems and AI agents can operate independently, and finally form autonomous AI networks.

Using a graphical illustration, the above was further dumb down for better understanding and it can be found here

The above is part 1 of all frame work and over time more on what to expect from PlatON whitepaper will be shared.

Dont forget to follow PlatON on Twitter to stay up to date with all latest development

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