Decoding The Bee - Nature's Architect

The Prophetess Deborah (דבורה) - created by Dall-E 3

Today's @leogrowth topic really got the wheels turning in my head and led me to do some study. Lately I've been delving into Hebrew and Gematria, especially in relation to the Bible and other sacred text. So my approach to today's prompt will be a philosophical/spiritual one. On top of that, "Bee" is my nickname (not just "B") and that's how people have written it my whole life.

The Hebrew alphabet (alef bet) has so many layers of truth hidden in it, and knowing how important the bee is to nature's ecosystem I knew I'd find some good stuff if I dug deeper. And with the connection to my name, I'll likely find out a few things about myself.
Disclaimer, even though some of this may sound "religious", it's not. Spiritual, yes...scientific, that too, but not religious.

Now, the vantage point I'm going to dissect the bee from is Biblical Hebrew. Based on my studies, there are at least 4 ways to breakdown a word in this manner. I use the Strong's Concordance as a basis:

  1. definition (in Hebrew)
  2. 1st mention - the 1st time the word is mentioned has symbolic hierarchy over all other appearances
  3. context
  4. gematria - numeric value
    A fifth method is dissecting the form of the letters used to spell the word, but I haven't went into that level of study yet.

Definition in Hebrew

The word bee (d'vorah, דבורה) derives from the root word dabar which means "to speak, or to arrange". The actual definition of bee is "orderly motion from its systematic instincts"...interesting.

1st Mention

The first time the bee appears in the Bible is in Deuteronomy 1:44. And if you didn't know, Deuteronomy literally means "the words".

And the Amorites, which dwelt in that mountain, came out against you, and chased you, as bees do, and destroyed you in Seir, even unto Hormah.
Here, the bee is an analogy to describe how your enemies will "swarm" on you (remember, in orderly motion with systematic instincts) if you pursue the wrong battle. In this instance the Amorites are an instrument to facilitate God's judgement, which is just the "effect" of violating universal laws, in this instance lack of faith, or fear. Take note


Things get more interesting here. We see the context the 1st time "bee" is mentioned in the Bible. But unless you did some Hebrew study, your quest would likely end here. The English translation "bee" only appears in the Bible 4 times. But the original word (דבורה) actually appears in Hebrew 14 times. This is because the word "bee" and the name "Deborah" are the same word in Hebrew. So who is Deborah in the Bible? Deborah the prophetess was the fourth judge of Israel and the only female judge mentioned in the Old Testament. As a prophet(ess), she speaks the word of God. Some of her characteristics are leadership, foreshadowing, judgement, order.
All of these qualities relate to the bee. The foreshadowing and judgement speak directly to a huge global concern...saving bees from extinction. Why? I believe bees going extinct would be a tipping point humanity couldn't come back from, foreshadowing this batch of foolish humanoids coming to an end. No other species extinction would tip the dominoes of death faster than the bee. Sounds like bees facilitating God's judgement...hmmm.


Bee in Hebrew Gematria equals 217. Trippy thing is, that is the same Gematria value of my real name 😎

Here's a few other relative words that have the same Gematria value (217) in Hebrew:

  • planning - one of my best qualities
  • Bathsheba - mother of King Solomon, the richest man in the Bible
  • addition
  • fiction
  • candlelight
    I hope this post makes you ponder a little more the next time you encounter a bee. Peace
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