Are autovoting on Hive now dead?

Manual vs automatic?

First of all - don't get me wrong.
No, I'm not leaving the manual curators camp. LeoFinance is the place, where manual curation can bring a lot of value to this place, not to mention that it's fun to see, how manual curation and engagement helps to grow your account, quantity of followers, fans, friends.
But this LEO tribe is not the only place I have some significant stake, and have a big need to give the best performing use for that stake.

The voting on HIVE is still greatly dependent on proper voting time, right power and right authors, if you want to see the best returns, best ROI with highest possible APR. Some authors must be upvoted no later than on the 2nd minute with maybe 50-70% power, while others maybe on the 4th minute and only with 3-5%.
Every day I can place 70-90 upvotes on HIVE only (not to count manual in LeoFinance), and still maintain my power in the sweet 80-99% range.
How I could do this without good auto voting BOT?

Hard fork consequences?

Something new and significant I have noticed today. Seems that autovoting bots are not working any more. All of them.


Well at least those which I know, and was using for quite some time.
Seem that nobody is talking yet about this phenomenon. At least - I could not find anything, despite my efforts.

Who knows, maybe it's to early. Or most Hive users took a day off, a short break away from Hive, while the Hive nodes are now replaying the blockchain data.
Many strange things, bugs, malfunctions can be observed today. Why bother your nerves?
So in general it is a clever solution just break away for some time, until the Hive functionality will be sorted out, and stabilizes.

But if taking silently away this autovoting possibility is one of the "secret" features of HardFork 24 - this may turn out into something very BIG, and very soon.

What do you think?
Have you any certain info on this subj?
Any rumours, or considerations how this all may develop in the future?


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