PsyberX is on the verge of launching the highly anticipated game, Psyber Decks!

Psyber Decks? You might be thinking it's some kind of electronic music that fuses techno, trance, and other genres with psychedelic and mind-bending themes. Or maybe you thought it was a virtual or augmented reality experience that blends meditation, visualization, and psychotherapy to create an immersive and transformative journey. Or maybe you thought it was a mix of both. But I'm here to tell you, it's none of that. Psyber Decks is something entirely different, and it's geared towards gamers like us!


Have you ever heard of @Splinterlands? If not, no worries! It's a cool game that combines elements of collectible card games and auto-battlers. In the game, you collect and trade cards that represent different units, heroes, or abilities, and use them to build your own customized deck. Once you've got your deck all set up, you can deploy your units into battle and see how they will do against your opponents! Psyber Decks is similar to @Splinterlands in that it's also a card trading auto battler game, so if you're a fan of @Splinterlands, you'll definitely want to check out Psyber Decks too!

Moreover, when you're playing Psyber Decks, you'll see battles that are completely automated, with the computer controlling your units and those of your opponents. The main goal of the game is to use your strategic and tactical skills to build the strongest deck possible, so you can defeat your opponents and earn a ton of the LVL token (In-game cryptocurrency).

In Psyber Decks, you can play against other players in real-time battles right from your web browser, and the best part is that it's all at your own pace! If you're familiar with games like Hearthstone, then you know what you're in for. The game is free to play, but there are in-game purchases or microtransactions that can help you obtain more cards or other items. However, unlike other games, Psyber Decks is purely NFT driven. This means that you need to own or rent NFTs to play, but don't worry, owning NFTs has its advantages! You can buy, sell or trade NFTs on the PsyberX Marketplace whenever you want, so it's not really a barrier, it's more like an opportunity to make some sweet profits while you play.

Remember when I told you in the start that Psyber Decks is like Splinterlands? Well, it is, but with a twist. Get ready for some high-stakes action, because Psyber Decks is introducing something called 'wager bets'. That's right, two players can agree to put some serious lvl tokens on the line and bet on the outcome of their battle. It's like sports betting, but way more awesome because it's all about the cards. And let's face it, we gamers love a good bet when there's a clear and measurable outcome. Psyber Decks battles just got even more exciting!

Still not sure what I am talking about?

Let's say two friends, @bobthebuilder2 and @conan123, place a wager on the outcome of a battle in Psyber Decks. If @bobthebuilder2 wins, @conan123 is obligated to pay a predetermined amount. But that's not all - spectators can also participate and place bets on the outcome, particularly in high-stakes matches. The winner of the wager is determined solely by the game's result: if @bobthebuilder2 wins, those who wagered on him receive the payout, and vice versa if @conan1234 wins.

I must apologize for any misinformation provided earlier regarding spectators at Psyber Decks, especially to you @klye (we have discussed it earlier). While the concept of spectators is not currently available in the game, it is possible that this feature could be implemented in the future. Such a feature would undoubtedly add value to the community and enhance the overall player experience. I am excited to see the potential developments and advancements that @PsyberX may bring to the gaming industry. In my opinion, this is an incredibly intriguing development that we haven't seen before on Hive, or at least not to my knowledge.

Join in on the fun!

To join in on the fun of the upcoming game, Psyber Decks, players will require some NFTs and a brave spirit. The exact number of NFTs needed for a match is not yet clear, but players can purchase crates at a discounted rate of 75% on the PsyberX Marketplace to help get started. It's important to note that this discount will not be available forever and will eventually revert to normal pricing once Psyber Decks launches.

Although there is no official launch date for Psyber Decks, @klye has hinted that it may be released on March 4th, 2023, indicated by the code "32022023" (although it may not be possible to decode, LOL!). Once the game is released, players can then earn LVL tokens, which will by the way not only have utility in Psyber Decks but across four games in total (PsyberX, Psyber Decks, Psyber Towers and Psyber Sects), now we are talking.

If you're ready to join in on the action, head over to the Discord channel to get started. With multiple games and plenty of players to compete against, there will be no shortage of battles to be fought in the world of Psyber Decks.

Are you ready to play?

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I am Olebulls and I’m working in IT and Finance. I’ve always been passionate about finance and finding smart ways to manage and save money. I believe establishing money management strategies as early as possible is the key to securing your future. I began using different strategies myself in real estate, stocks and crypto and I have now built some decent amounts.
I’m here to create content about finance, crypto, game-fi and money management.
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