More Blockchain Gaming Investment Opportunities To Come

There'll be an ever increasing amount of opportunities to invest in blockchain gaming over the foreseeable future, all you have to do is keep an open mind.

That and keep your eyes peeled for opportunities as they pop up! That said, there's a whole cohort of blockchain users here on HIVE that have been witness to and participated in these opportunities first hand thanks to games like Splinterlands, Dcity, Holybread, RisingStar, Rabona, Crypto Brew Master, etc..


Massive Growth In Blockchain Gaming

This is a bit of a humble brag but I want to use it as an example of the type of opportunities that exist and that will continue to emerge as the traditional gaming industry is disrupted.

This Alien Worlds mining rig is worth apx $375 at current market value, in total I think I originally paid about $15 for these 3 cards.

  • Gasrigged Extractor - $72 USD
  • Large Explosive - $242 USD
  • Power Saw - $62 USD

The Power Saw was actually a gift from @thegoliath, thanks bud, I guess I owe you.

These NFT's plus others were purchased within a few weeks of the game being launched, pretty early. So far it's only the mining aspect of the game has been developed and released, there isn't even a game yet so there loads of time for these assets to potentially increase in value. The game is very much early stages.

It can be tricky to identify which NFT's will be in demand and the lessons I've earned from investing in Splinterlands have helped me here.

With Splinterlands I knew that summoners were an essential part of the game, and always would be. Everyone will need them, and want them, and the players ability to acquire them and level them up would dictate to a degree the level of success they could have in-game.

With Alien Worlds it seemed painfully obvious that mining would be a primary activity at the core of the game that virtually all players will need and want to do as a way of participating in the game to earn NFT's and tokens. It pays to identify assets that have good utility within the game, and add value to the game.


In-Game Tokens

Buy them up early, doesn't have to be a major commitment but these tokens can rise in value significantly. I went through this with Splinterlands DEC rising sharply vs it's original initial value at launch.

Thankfully with Alien Worlds I was able to see a similar opportunity unfold and purchased a bag of TLM at around 5 cents, it's now trading for 67 cents.

Keep You eyes open for these opportunities!

You'll hear this for the next X number of years but it's true, we are all still early! There will be many many more blockchain gaming investment opportunities.

Splinterlands and Alien Worlds are just two example of blockchain games that have been able to innovate and find an initial level of early success, paving the way for more blockchain games to come.


Which Blockchain are leading the way?

This is taken from where I've sorted the top blockchain games being tracked here by number of users. More users equals more value through network effect.

  • HIVE
  • WAX
  • Thundercore

There are a bunch of games emerging on Thundercore, admittedly a blockchain I don't know much about, but happy to explore in a future post.

I would also be keeping an eye on BSC and MATIC to emerge with more games in the near future.

Which Blockchain Games Have You Invested In?

Always interested to know where people are investing, let me know.

Ciao for now,


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