Sometimes, I Get It Wrong - An Apology To ROCKI's Crypto Music Streaming Site

Sometimes I Get It Wrong.jpg

Balancing The Books

I received an email this morning from Bjorn Niclas (ROCKI Founder) following the post I wrote yesterday (subsequently edited to remove all text from it). In that post, I shared an article that was forwarded on to me by @gribbles (and mentioned by other respected musicians), written by an account called "Damien Kanaghines" (Pathways VC Company) on Medium. Damien WAS one of the appointed directors at Choon.

However, it later turns out this blog from the Damien Kanaghines account was taken down on Medium for being "in violation of the Medium Rules":


In Bjorn's email, he pointed out that Choon was dissolved on 7th April 2020:


Pathways VC, the company, actually never were involved with any ownership of Choon, if you look at the filing history in that tab, and Damien Kanaghines was actually removed as director on 26th July 2019:



There were a lot of accusations and comments in that Medium post which were damning (the content of which is being shared across Twitter by an account in a separate google Doc here - make your own mind up) and as I try to limit my online time as much as possible, I can't be in all the Telegram groups, Discord groups and everything else - tried it, had a mental breakdown, it wasn't pretty. This is why I stick to official channels of communication from the site's Twitter and Medium accounts.

As someone who held nearly half a million NOTES tokens (not a small amount) from investing time, promoting my music on Choon, still sharing and talking about the site to its sudden shut down, trying to calm a load of upset musicians in EMA (it did split the community at the time in July 2019), I was naturally annoyed, shocked and let emotions get the better of me in my post yesterday.

The information I presented has been seemingly wrong. As I mentioned in another comment, you can do your own research, but sometimes even that research isn't enough and it seems there's a lot more to it than I want to know or be a part of.

And so, I apologise to ROCKI and users for some of the anomalies I shared yesterday, I've removed the content from it and corrected it above. As with any project, I wish it success in the future but I will not be taking part in it and, as per my email this morning, request my profile, music and info NOT be ported over to the new ROCKI site from Choon. Thanks

Take care


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