Write what you know and what you love.

Or write what is valuable?


Content creation on Hive is funny. People who come here and write top quality informative posts don't tend to get much attention.

People who constantly write about how good Hive is get lots of comments and support. We are living in a bit of a fishbowl on the chain and while we know that it's a great place to be. If we ever are to see more users and expand towards a million users then that will have to change at some stage.

At the moment the incentive is all about shilling hive to hive users. That is where the votes are and where the smart users try to built their accounts.

Myself fully included in that comment. My biggest rewards come form writing for the Daily LEO and my two splinterlands posts every week. That is where the big votes are and how i grow.

This content however is not very valuable to the blockchain or to external users.

Hopefully LEO are are first team to change the game with their new UI and with the ad revenue that they are generating. Without an incentive to bring in external eyes to our content then people will keep aiming internally for the rewards.

With LEO the hope is that they use the ad revenue that they are generating to reward the users bringing in the views through their content and that this adds value to the LEO token in turn benefiting the community as a whole.

If the LEO users think that they will earn more money by creating content for external eyeballs then they will create more content for external eyeballs.

If splinterlands weren't giving out big upvotes for their weekly challenges then the amount of splinterlands content would probably drop by 90%. It's a very smart way to use their stake to rewards the community for creating more content and sharing it on other platforms. I'm not sure how effective it is to bring in new users but the theory is very interesting.

I have said it many times in the past and i will keep saying it until we see some changes but not having ads on peakd is criminal. The amount of money that could be generated would really help the price of hive over time if it was used to reward hive users that are creating good content or by buying and burning hive to help the whole community.

Content is valuable and users are giving it away for free.


This would be a huge plus for onboarding more content creators and getting them to share their content across multiple platforms. Putting Hive in front of thousands of new eyeballs and incentivizing new users to get active and grow the platform as a whole.

Until then I will try to mix in quality content with the content that I like to write and hopefully over time i will be able to focus fully on the content that i love.

I try to write about crypto and finance at times.
I know about life, sport and about Hive.
I love fantasy and creativeness.

Maybe some day we will have a platform that allows me to write what i love that will be high quality and valuable.

We still have along way to go before we see users come here to earn a living from their content until we have revenue streams for each hive based platform.

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