Community is the key.


Listening to the Charlie Shrem podcast with @starkerz.

This podcast came out yesterday. It's an in depth Interview about the capabilities of web3, hive and POS.

You can listen to it here,

And it's well worth a listen.

If you don't have the time or the interest to listen to the full hour I will give you my paragraph overview.

  • Web3 is the way forward.
  • Decentralized communities will be outside the current regulatory system.
  • The community will moderate the actions of its users.
  • Community trumps companies.
  • Hive was formed on the basis of the community making a choice and willing to break away to a separate project with the same core as the old project.
  • Community is layer zero for any project.
  • Hive has no pre-mine and a large spread of holders and fair distribution.
  • There is no central point of attack.
  • Hive is now self owned and incentivized to build more.

None of this happens without the community to drive it forwards.

We can all see the progress on Hive over the past couple of years.

All of the new tools and apps that have come online over the months driven by growing teams of dev and workers. The good part of this is we are seeing these projects coming from all different angles.

It's not one core group that is driving everything, they seem to be fully focused on scaling for the moment. The development is being driven by the different projects. Each one is adding something new to the eco-system and while their is some synergy to what is being developed. Most of them are focused on completely different things.

Aggroed is focused on splinterlands and tribes. Nft showroom is delving into the nft and art world. Khal is focused on the writing and investment side. Other groups are running tribes. Others are building tools. Others are building games.

Do you see the common trend here?

People are very busy. Either building or running something. Community projects all merging together on the same chain adding to the whole pot.

Over time i can see the community splintering further and further apart as these projects keep getting bigger and require more time to be a part of. I know that a year ago my attention could cover the whole chain and some projects on other chains.

These days i can barely keep up with my blogging and gaming on the chain, never mind see everything that is happening in the dark corners. That is the direction in which we are heading.

The community is driving everything going on with Hive. We have no central authority, no big investors and no single point of control.

The system isn't perfect but it is certainly improving every month. I know that we have seen plenty people give out and sell up but they will regret it in the end.

We have too many good things here to be focused on the few issues that go alongside them. If you are new to Hive, my best advice is to engage and be active.

You will see and learn so much from being here. If you can keep going long enough, you will find a place to create your personal brand and have a safe haven on the internet.

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