Calling all Hive game devs to update your Dappradar info.

Dappradar released their blockchain gaming report this week.

image.pngRef: Dappradar

It's bullish news for Hive as we are still the number two chain for blockchain games despite being ranked closer to number 200 in terms of marketcap. This is the type of marketing that you cannot buy and is seen by a lot of people as they have 200k followers on twitter, the majority of whom are involved with crypto and the web3 space. Exactly our target market.

You can read more of the report here but the summary is that gaming is a growing sector in blockchain use and accounts for a large number of users and transactions.

@taskmaster4450 says here that we should be aiming for the number 1 spot in terms of blockchain gaming and I'm with him in that regard. Hive is the perfect place to launch new games and we have a few that will coming to the chain very soon which could add thousands of new users very fast.

What we can do until then however is get our side of the equation 100% correct.

This report is based off the information that dappradar has to hand and unfortunately it is totally inaccurate.

After reading their post about blockchain gaming i went onto their website to check a few stats and found that outside of @splinterlands we only have 14 active unique wallets operating across our entire suite of games with little to no monetary transactions on any of their marketplaces. On top of that we have a total of 16 games, missing out on some of our latest offerings.

The report itself says as much that they believe we only have one functioning app in @splinterlands which drives all of our on chain activity.

🔥@splinterlands, claiming 99% of @hiveblocks activity with an average of 127,242 dUAW.

Now I don't know about anyone else but I'm fairly sure that we have more than 14 wallets operating across all of the other games.


This looks shit for Hive.

We know that our games are doing a lot better than this so I reached out to the team at Dappradar to find out where they are getting their information and to try and source more accurate information that they can use as well as to update their list of games.

In fairness to the team there, i received a message back almost straight away and it turns out that it's up to each individual app to maintain their own data on the site and register any smart contracts that will feed the site updated data.

Hi Niall,
and thank you for reaching out to us. We're glad you like DappRadar and find our work useful.
As for your questions, dapp developers can list their dapps and their smart contracts on their own. When devs update smart contracts, and don't provide that info to us... it's likely we don't have the correct information.
That's why we motivate developers to keep their smart contracts up to date to make sure the info on our page is reflected correctly. Devs can go here to list their dapps or claim ownership over their dapp pages --
Let me know if we can provide further info on this,

With that in mind I would love to see all of our games and apps get their info up to date as it's free targeted marketing for each game as well as for the chain a whole.

Anybody looking at the site now will think that our games are dead in the water with the exception of @splinterlands who appear to have put in the time to update the site. I can't imagine that it would be a huge job to do but i can see it adding huge value to our eco-system as these are the places where people go to get information on the various games and apps out there.

That is why I'm putting out the call to action for all of our games to get listed if they are not already on the site and to update their information and data feeds if they already are listed.


This is just the list off of the top of my head but since I've found three new games just this week I am sure that there are more games out there if anybody can add them in the comments for me.

Even if we can get started with this lot and move forward from there is would be a good step to take. We talk a lot about marketing and promoting the chain and how much it might costs but getting the small things like this right costs nothing and can create a lot of recognition over time.

I found the same issues with the @coingecko information on Hive earlier in the year and managed to get it updated from this to this. It might only be a small victory but i have seen the updated information mentioned multiple times since then across hive and twitter so it's a good win to have.

Unfortunately I can't change the dappradar information without input from the games themselves but I'm hopeful that they get on board.

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