CLP Update - Votes 1 & 2 Are In

So we had our first two votes.

Vote 1: we elected to take the higher tier and convert bonuses to packs.

Vote 2: we elected to sell gold foil promo cards, give everybody regular foil, and distribute DEC proportionally.

Edit: we are taking a 3rd vote on what to do with the extra packs. Join the discord if you haven’t already!

Next decision to make is what to do with the extra packs. We are very close to getting a 50% increase in packs compared to our original projections.

My initial thought is that since we are so close to an even 50% that we make 2 CLP = 3 chaos legion packs + 2 promos. Obviously we can't split a pack token so it would be up to each CLP holder to make sure they have a evenly divisible amount of CLP.

Join the discord to discuss:

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