Waiting for the Baton or Going for it ?

Life doesn't always hand you the baton. There are times when you have to go get it and a few times when we can just sit around and wait for it to be passed.


Nowadays, many are waiting for the baton to be passed, and in fact, too many are entitled that when they don't get what they want, they make a mockery or an argument out of it.

And denotes you're not a good person and don't want what's best for them. and then reference to one of their lifelong friends who gave it to them.

Be it money, or anything but tbh it's always something material.

However, what many fail to understand is that no one gives a dam@ about you, except you first.
Many don't care if you are doing well in life or making bad decisions, they just want whatever they can get from you, and when you have nothing left to give, they leave.

I prefer a good life advice that can help in the long run over any amount of money

And I understand why many wouldn't want the same, and that's why I'm always skeptical about who I surround myself with nowadays.

Many want to have money without first having the right mindset towards money. I'm not a good investor myself, but each time I reflect on my spending, and realize that I'm making a bad impact on my future life savings, I make sure to seek ways to improve, and not complain about it.

I've seen people who think that life should only be lived in the present without thinking about the future. I.e. they find it hard to look past where they are now and also find it hard to see what could happen to them(later in the future) if only they make the necessary changes to their life and spending behavior.

Bad habits done consistently overtime will never yield good results.

I can bet that with you, same with people who want good results and real changes for you. Those people are there for the long haul.

The compound effect is always working, and whoever wants it to work for them would have to keep making the right changes over time and not just think about waiting for good results/times without making good little changes in his or her life.

Personally, life has dealt me many cards, some are good, while some are not-so-good. For example, with investing, I've been one to see investments as something you should only do when you can, meaning I'm waiting for when I am comfortable before I can start planning for the future. At one point I thought it's a good idea, but then after a while of seeing how the public see it, which is precisely how I see it too, I took a close look at it and realized that…

this is more like waiting for the baton to be passed.
We forget that life itself is the baton and the moment you have it, you've got to run with it while you can, not when you can.

many times, the right time and the perfect moment to invest might never come….

Therefore, we lose out on opportunities thinking it's not yet our time

Many believe the best time to live a good life isn't now.

I have a friend who thinks life is about just waiting for things to happen instead of sailing the waters and making it happen.

This action when viewed by many is seen a being too optimistic, but I see it as taking responsibility for yourself first, because if any shortcomings happen in the process of getting the baton, we'll be prepared for the inevitable.

Investing to me is preparing for the future and the inevitable.

If we ask ourselves Rn,— can our current availiable balance sustain us for the next 1 year?

I bet many can't even sustain themselves for 1 week without working.

I've seen this behavior many times where many only believe in living hand-to-mouth. Some even prefer living a fancy life and wearing fancy clothes just so they can fit in and be accepted by people than investing that energy into their own personal life.

I'm comfortable being unacceptable and uncomfortable

One thing is that I'm not the outgoing type,(sometimes I could be) but while we think we are an outgoing type, many times we are just seeking attention from people, hoping that those people will pass the baton to us someday and maybe even faster. Relationships today are like this - ConditionalI just licked your ass, so you should do the same.

I just liked your post, now you have to like mine lol

Nonetheless, life isn't all about making things happen, sometimes you just have to let it happen.

However, this decision isn't for everyone, especially if you know that it's appropriate to go for it now(than later).

Due to a lot of life choices that have to be made personally, I realize that we can't all achieve all that we want out of life. And we can't all be passed the baton- but taking responsibility to reach out first to see what happens isn't a bad idea if you ask me.

But then, just like life isn't a race, it also isn't a standstill race. It's a marathon, and while many are contemplating and letting things happen to them, it's never a bad option to make things happen yourself.

It's what separates a man from a boi

But then, you have to have a direction of where it is you're going and know when you're off trail. However, many are directionless!

Is it better to sail or let the waves do it?

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