Navigating Hive Realities & My Reality

When we talk about creating content here on Hive I don’t have much idea about SEO bla bla bla, but what I do know is about arranging my thoughts and feelings, so I can get a bit of clarity on my present situation and some issues that seem to be bugging my mind. And sometimes it speaks to readers if the shoes fit.

At the same time, life is all about perspective, and it’s okay, if mine differs from yours.

These are the fundamentals that Hive itself was built upon, which is to accommodate all kinds of contents, thoughts, rambling, and ideas about anything that’s possible to be penned down as long as it’s original.

However, it’s also a good idea as content creators to have a type of targeted audience and those whom will connect with you easily.

The types of people I target with my content in hope that it appeals to them.

I’m a young adult, almost in his mid-twenties, and my plan is to connect with other young adults.

Basically, Genz who thinks living is not a great experience. Same with those young Hivers who thinks writing on Hive is such a complicated task to accomplish.

When it comes to creating on Hive I am not convinced that those, who are outside of Hive can see my content, so why would I want to keep writing for people outside of Hive?

This seems to be a harsh truth, but it’s one I’m able to understand to a certain level myself because I know I’m not targeting SEO. It’s not my field, nor do I want to make it my job.

However we’ve got to pick our poison and I prefer one that’s relatable to other Hivers like the resistance that is being faced when just starting out, and trying to find your ground on the platform.

Hive suffers not from being able to attract users but suffer because they can’t retain them. Whenever any new hivers hits a resistance, they find it hard to keep going.

But I want you/them to keep going.

Not because you/they can create quality content from the onset(some do), but because you/they can create quality content someday, even if today is not that day. Just as they say, the compound effect is always working, it’s best to make it work in your favor by showing up even when you don’t want to. Write when you don’t want to.

That’s the harsh truth most people (especially old authors) don’t like to hear people say on chain.

Even prolific authors want to shit on others for writing shitty content. To them it seems like milking.

It’s not a bad thing to do that, in fact, it’s a push that I believe should serve as a knock on the head to help people to try and push themselves above their limits. And put in more effort before hitting publish.

Genz hate harsh truth and reality. This boils down to being entitled from a young age. Young adults are not that wired to be resilient when compared to the past generations. We don’t have to head out into the wild to hunt wild animals to survive. What we hunt is 50% off on our online shopping app, which gets delivered in a short timeframe. Hence many people hate to wait to play the long game.

Instant Gratification

It’s one of the perks of today's young adults, where many suffer whenever they don’t seem to get what they want or think that they deserve. For this reason, many young adults seem to suffer in silence, and in extreme cases they end up giving up on life. Just because their expectations seems to be out of reach, making their life experience look like a harsh and depressed reality that no one has ever been faced with before.

Apparently, suicide cases are on the rise. This is the norm of today. Personally, I believe that the young adults of today can build themselves up to be more accommodating, persevering and show courage when in situations that they are fearful and uncertain about. Like the future uncertainties 🤨

Tbh, I’ve been there and even thought about ending it all.

But I did get through it when I start thinking positively about what could be improved.

We are our thoughts. And we attract what we think about daily. Nevertheless what choice do many young adults have today when all they hear on the news and online are cries of wars and cases of propaganda.

This is why the law of attraction is an essential law to take note of, Because bad/sad thoughts won’t benefit us. Moreover, there’s nothing you or anyone can do about Russia going to war with Ukraine, and The Israelite trying to bomb half of Gaza.

This is an example of the type of talk I would like to write about here on Hive moving forward. Tbh, finance is really a great niche to venture into. However, it’s not something I see myself doing every day.

Focus on what you can write about all day

The moment you know who you’re creating for, you know what interests them and is relatable to them. And when you also see yourself in the same category with those you’re writing to, it can serve as a self-improvement message to yourself.

Someone called this—rambling…

Maybe it is

But then, when we elaborate on Hive as a platform, what many don’t consider is that creating content is not only about trying to give out advice or trying to make someone else buy a product you’re selling. Although some articles are used to market a product, however, in reality content is about conveying a message to a specific audience.

Audience Matters

This is where audience matters, maybe even more than the content you’re attempting to create.

But nonetheless, it’s best to be able to prove a point and tell a story to your readers that will enable them to have a feel of what it is you’re pointing out. Either to persevere against all odds or give up at the drop of a hat to flee the scene when the Justin Sun(s) knock on their door.

Note that who gets to read this are those here on Hive. If we are being honest, we don’t really rank that much in terms of SEO.

However, that doesn’t mean we don’t have people who are targeting the SEO clicks

Many people do, and will keep doing that, but the thing is just that each user has his or her purpose for creating content. And we can’t all be SEO target authors.

Some create to express themselves, some create something they think might be worth a read to their niche and community. However, the reality is that whichever the case may be here on hive or out there , readers will always read what interests them.

What interests you?


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