Relinquishing from Saving HBD and HIVE a Good Idea? Find out More


It's a new day breaking from this part of the world and it's of more essence we talk more about hive and it's make up to bring a balance to our knowledge and probably earning strategy.

Hereon hive Blockchain there are various sources of income and so many other ways too one can navigate through to bring out more best from the Blockchain. Seeing that hive Blockchain is the best Blockchain in the world, it's still not out of place that we contribute more to bring about a balanced ecosystem on hive in various aspect at large for it.

Talking about #HBD and #Hive on one relinquishing from it's saving it's of essence to understand the role of each on hive Blockchain. HBD being the hive backed dollar is assisted way of payment on hive Blockchain which on much greater occasions have it's price much more higher than hive itself. HBD having it's price higher than hive doesn't mean that it's more important than hive but rather it's clear enough to see that it has its own role to play much on curation too.

Inasmuch one knows the price of each fluctuates right now though it settled that the price of HBD doesn't come than too low from #500 in naira,it's of essence to have much more yielding to this rather than accumulating and keeping it only.

One of the ways of bringing out the best from both is understanding the fact that there is more much value attached to both than what is been seen at the moment. Both can be transferred to savings on the provided portfolio where more gains can be made through it and the designated #APR enjoyed too. Imagine one buying or having up to $70000 worth of HBD and then locked it on savings portfolio this being a part of savings too, now calculate what the person earns as the percentage APR is been dropped. This being a power medium of savings too to both tokens.

Outside of that too, there is as greater percentage high in value of each which makes both on a greater height of shifting to a more desirable price in it's market price. If one saves it and then the price skyrockets, a reminder is what happened of recent on their price tag lately and how those that had it in quantum enjoyed. Such can repeat itself again and those left to enjoy are those that didn't relinquish from saving them both.

Wisdom is profitable for directions and it's of great essence that we apply such on hive Blockchain.

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