How Evergreen Rewards Impact User Engagement and Monthly Active Users on iNLEO


The influence of the evergreen reward, which is exclusive to iNLEO, is more clearly visible in the increase in Traffic to the interface. This has allowed for a wider range of use cases and converted more individuals into fans of the interface than into detractors. The plan for this was reportedly first introduced two years ago, and in more recent times, it has apparently matured by introducing more balanced examples of the interface's projects, visions, and navigations. Usually, there were some skepticisms regarding the interface's use when it first came out because people weren't sure it was worth it. However, nowadays, both the frequency and the ideology behind its use have changed.

In comparison to what was available at the time of its debut and what is available now, the interface has seen a significant improvement. Swiftly addressing and modifying its shortcomings, organizing input to create the interface we envisioned, incorporating new features and providing usage guides to help users become familiar with the capabilities they utilize, and much more. Our interface is now complete; however, there is still room for more features to be added. With all of these functionalities and use cases connected to it, it's all we could have imagined.

Concurrently, we can argue that we are getting closer to perfection than we are to defects with the constant updates, upgrades, and enhancements made to the interface. A thorough examination of the various functionalities the interface provides, its separation into a free and premium version, and a comprehensive assessment of the features available to those who subscribe to the premium version of the interface can result in the following conclusions:



Tremendious Increase in the number of MAU's:

The first evergreen incentives linked to Leo advertisements were successfully refunded a few days ago to users and account that matched the payout, which instantly improved the interface's appearance. This is further supported by the fact that the payments was made to account or users who used the interface front end to publish their articles or short form posts, those who had a stake in the community token in their wallet, and those who had numerous conditions maintained on their account to promote payments. Since the iNLEO front end has a more lucrative use, other hive account with content published in other communities that aren't utilizing it will now be compelled to utilize it, increasing the number of monthly active users on the interface.


Higher Increase in community Token holders and Stakers:

Since possessing a specific percentage ownership in the native community token—in this example, the LEO token—is one of the requirements imposed on account who were granted the evergreen prize,. Other hive accounts and users would want to participate in receiving their own lionshare of the payment because this is attainable and offers a wide view of everything; the rules were followed when making the payments, and there would be more pay to come in the earliest. They would also go far and near to fulfilling the demands needed, which include staking a high range of the community token. Now that more users are placing larger stakes, owning a Leo would almost be required.


Increased Engagement in Long and Short Form Contents:

Evergreen reward payments are based on the quantity of views received by the published content, whether it be in the form of comments, short articles, or long articles. When a user publishes an article with fewer than ten views in its first occurrence, the publisher is not discouraged from continuing with the publication. The goal is to grow the number of articles published on various communities utilizing the iNLEO front end, which can only be achieved by continuously publishing write-ups in any format required to raise the number of views.


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