LeoGlossary & SplinterGlossary: PsyberGlossary Coming Soon? (psyberx)


Many splinterlands players and writers really don't know the LeoGlossary and as this database brings to Hive, I just want to make a post about the LeoGlossary to emphasize that not only can we use it to write about cryptocurrencies, finances, trading or anything similar to money, there is also the SplinterGlossary, I think the splinterlands team has done a great job partnering with Leofinance is this, from my point of view having SplinterGlossary brings confidence to LeoGlossary investors and above all SEO positioning, there are many people searching for content about splinterlands and really that's great.


What does the LeoGlossary have to do with PsyberX?

Actually the LeoGlossary has nothing to do with PsyberX and that is something you have to be very clear about for the simple reason that I don't want to confuse things, I am simply writing something related to PsyberX and the LeoGlossary because I simply want to keep promoting this and reach a wider audience in the future.

Another thing we should take into account is simply to add value to our content with the use of the LeoGlossary, I think it's a great idea, for example, when you search in Google Search for the keyword DEC you can get something very similar to this:



I'm really am is great for splinterlands writers, surely @steemmonsters curators will be happy if you use this daily in your posts when you deal with a splinterlands-like topic.



I want to conclude this by simply saying that we are proposing to make a PsyberGlossary in the future and with that we will bring confidence to our investors, I mean simply if we make this a success we can position ourselves very well on Hive in the future and at the same time promote our project on Hive and we will be promoting the effective use of the LeoGlossary and with that position our tribe on Hive, which is leofinance.io and this will simply be a great success in the future if we all do our part and continue to use this effectively.






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From the desk of Carlos Mendoza, all rights reserved. ©



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