Different currencies in the world and it's market value

Around the world there are different currency used, most countries has similar currency and currency is very important, currency are often used in transactions, the are in form of money and are very useful, different currency has different values and that means that some Currency has more value than the other. Each country make use of their own personal Currency, for example my country Nigeria we make use of the Nigeria naira(NGN) and likewise united states of America that makes use of the America dollars.

Each country work hard to make their currency have more value and be widely respected and valued all around the world, this is not easy because it requires a lot of things but if any country is determined to, they can make their currency gain more value. The US dollars is a currency that is widely used and recognized my different parts of the world and most times different currencies are check against the US dollars and USD is widely used when it comes to crypto currency. So I will say that almost everyone in the world know about the US dollars because of it's visible value.

At times currencies might lose some of it values and this affects the country and prices of things, like for example in my country Nigeria, like some weeks ago the Nigeria naira lost many value and one dollar is equal to one thousand six hundred naira (1600NGN=1USD) this was very bad and it affected the country in a very big way, prices of almost everything increased and money lost, And when you want to buy something from foreign countries you will now have to pay extra because your money has no value compared to the current market price.

There is many popular market where currency value is properly tracked and checked. And this also serves as a form of business and many do it to earn money from price fluctuation, which is increase and decrease in price . In some country usually, it's citizens may not be bothered about the little fluctuation in the currency value because it doesn't affect them much, unlike my country that it affects deeply if prices are very high, on the international market most times fluctuations is an important component.

Worldwide we have different forms of currencies and in this currencies some of them are more popular than the other, for example when we talk about the US dollars, almost everyone if not everyone knows about this currency despite if the are using it or not, and this makes it a very popular currency. Other currencies most times are used to compare the USD , USD is simply the currency for America. It is equally known as the United States dollar, After the USD there are also other currencies following the USD dollars, like we have both the Australian currency which has a simple AUD and other countries currency and most of them don't have value that is equal to the USD.

When we talk about currency that are highly in value than the United States dollar, we talk about currency like Kuwaiti dinar, this currency is higher than the United States dollar and it is a very strong currency in the world 🌎. At least one Kuwaiti dinar can buy up to 3.20 dollars. So this means that despite the United States dollar is very high in value and widely used there are still currencies that has value more than it in the global market.

In Conclusion, There are many currrencies in the world today just lit we've mentioned earlier, and from the above text we can see that each country has it's own currency and not all currency has the same value, so has value more than the other and vise versa, that's how it is today, most times people are not allowed to travel around with any hard currency and the might face charges if the do so and in some country having a hard currency with you is highly illegal and can be considered as an offense. So it always advisable to do any transactions online, mobile banking is the best and it doesn't require hard currency.

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