Arrange your travelling and holiday budget

Traveling is something I love so much and I like visiting new places and seeing new things and new cultures, just like me am sure that everyone else loves traveling especially on holidays seasons, like during the Christmas season, easter, or new year period we can travel those period and spend time with our family and loved ones, personally I love traveling so I don't always wait for holidays period to travel rather I make my own personal arrangements and I give myself a holiday and spend quality time with loved ones or even alone. For our travelling to be more enjoyable we need to map out some certain amount of money as budget that we will use to complete anything we want to do during that time frame. Mapping out budget is one of the important things we will do when planning to travel, knowing the amount of money that will be enough for our travelling and setting them aside will help us enjoy our travelling.

Traveling is not only about having fun rather when we travel we learn and reduce stress, it also exposes us to see different cultures and believes, meet new people and increase our knowledge, that's why it's always advisable to travel some times and give yourself some rest, although most people don't like traveling, this might be as a result of fear, others might also have their different reasons, everyone one has his or her own choice to make, but that doesn't deny the fact that traveling is good.

I have watched many peoples of people traveling to their desired country, and am always happy and I wish to travel to mine soon, although I love traveling but I have not travelled out of my country before, but one day I know I will travel to my dream country and experience the joy that comes with it, I will love to experience what travelling with airplane will be like and am working hard and at same time pray that God helps me achieve my dreams.

Just like we discussed earlier, never forget to first set out your budget before traveling to avoid any uncertainties as a result of lack of budget and planning, money is always important to achieve any thing and with it, one can't travel to anywhere, so you need money is always important, and when you have enough money for your travelling you enjoy it more. Now let's discuss what budget is and it's importance.


To get a more accurate definition of budget we will make use of leoglossary definition of budget

budget is a plan for how you will spend your money over a period of time. It is a way to track your income and expenses so that you can make sure you are not spending more money than you earn.
A budget can be used for any period of time, such as a month, a quarter, or a year. It is important to create a budget that is realistic and that you can stick to.
To create a budget, you will need to track your income and expenses for said period of time. This will help you to see where your money is going. Once you have a good understanding of your spending habits, you can start to create a budget.
When creating your budget, you will need to allocate money for all of your essential expenses, such as housing, food, transportation, and utilities. You should also allocate money for savings and for discretionary expenses, such as entertainment and dining out.
It is important to review your budget regularly and make adjustments as needed. For example, if you get a raise at work, you may want to increase your savings rate or allocate more money to discretionary expenses

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Am planning on traveling next month to a popular city in my country, this city is called ABA, many love visiting this city because it is very unique and the environment is clean, beautiful and safe, I normally travel to this city, each three months after my return, so my next month I will be going to the city, I have mapped out budget that will be enough for my to transport myself and self there, I have at least saved #300 NGN for expensive I will encounter.

Am going alone that's why am spending that small amount, but if it had been am going with someone I would have budget more than that amount so as not to be stranded in the middle of no where, so if you also want to travel calculate how much it will cause, either you want to go alone or with someone, map out the money to avoid any inconveniences that might occur due to lack of planning, you can equally keep an extra to be on the safe side, so that even you see something bigger than your budget you will still afford it and enjoy your trip.


To stick to your budget there are some vital things you have to do, let's explain some of them.

According to leoglossary definition of budget this are some of the things you need to stick with your budget;

Be realistic. When setting your budget, be realistic about how much money you earn and how much money you spend each month.
Be specific. When creating your budget, be as specific as possible. For example, instead of budgeting for "food," budget for specific food items, such as groceries, dining out, and snacks.
Be flexible. Things don't always go according to plan, so be prepared to adjust your budget as needed. For example, if you have an unexpected expense, you may need to cut back on discretionary expenses or transfer money from another category in your budget.
Track your spending. It is important to track your spending so that you can see where your money is going and make sure that you are sticking to your budget. You can use a budgeting app, a spreadsheet, or simply a notebook to track your spending.
Review your budget regularly. It is important to review your budget regularly and make adjustments as needed. For example, if you get a raise at work, you may want to increase your savings rate or allocate more money to discretionary expenses.
Budgeting can take some time and effort, but it is a worthwhile iInvestment](). A budget can help you to reach your financial goals and live a more financially secure life.

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Another thing is your accomodations, if you will need an accomodations make preparation for it and know how much it will cost, like me that will be going to ABA next month, I have already booked my hotel room in time and I know the cost, I love preparing in time and am happy how everything goes when I prepare in time for my travelling, and about the extra money, I always keep so extra money to avoid any inconveniences and to enjoy my trip to the full. Visiting different places is what I love so much and I enjoy each of my trip because I plan myself well and I map out a suitable budget, I also make sure to visit both urban and rural areas because I learn things from both, then I get there I get what ever I need be without delay because I have already map out Monday for them, doing this have been of great help to me and I will continue doing so.

Conclusion Always make out time to travel, it helps you grow in knowledge and you will learn a lot, it will also help you reduce stress, and expose you to different cultures and traditions, when you want to travel always make sure you budget your cost to avoid any inconveniences. Know how much it will cost you and arrange yourself for it, I hope you travel soon and enjoy your trip.

This is my seventh entry for the February initiative, by @leo.tasks you are free to join this February initiative because this is an amazing initiative, make post on the topics in the February initiative, there are different topics to discuss, you have to pick based on the date so you no longer have to search for topics, simply go to the Link and read more about this. Here is the link to the February initiative

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