Vigor Protocol is now live.

For many people who purchased EOS in the pre launch sale, myself included, the EOS story and performance has been, well, pretty lack luster. Even today its trading at $2.550 which is a long way away from where I and many others purchased it. I moved a lot of my own mining rewards into EOS hoping it would be the next big thing. To date it really has just been a disappointment. Yes, yes, I can hear you all now, investing is no guarantee of return. Of course it isnt. So I decided to lock my EOS away in REX. I have had EOS in REX for over a year and decided I should look at my return...

As you can see its a pretty poor roi considering the initial investment in EOS.

But then today I received a mail to tall me about Vigor. Now, take the rest of this with a pinch of salt as I am not a financial expert nor advisor. In fact, you could almost use my as your canary and avoid any advice I give on investing.

Now the disclaimer is out of the way lets press on.

The Vigor platform offers loans out on eos much like REX, best I can tell. But the difference here is we can see the APR on loans issued. So why not have a look at it?

Today I powered down my REX and when they have matured I'll get to see the amazing boost my EOS have received from this long term investment. Once that is done I will sell the rex back to EOS and then move to the Vigor protcol and lend them out.

Already the interest rate on the site is better. So I guess we'll just have to wait and see how this evolves.

But there is more:

When you lend EOS, you receive:

  1. REX rewards

  2. Proxy rewards

  3. Rewards for lending

This is because you are providing the second layer to back loans.

Currently the VIG token is trading at $0.00670713 but it has reached .01517... in the past 9 months. So this could be a good place to start earning VIG?

There are a whole host of support channels for Vigor, I've listed some of these below.

Vigor Official Channels

  • Vigor Protocol DeFi Lending Application:
  • Vigor DAC and Member Client:
  • Vigor Stats
  • Vigor Documentation
  • Vigor Faq
  • Medium:
  • YouTube: Vigor Protocol
  • YouTube: Vigor DAC
  • Twitter:
  • Telegram
  • Telegram
Your Canary, Moon.

EDIT: Here is a handy ty video to show you more!

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