A recap of August Achievements financial goals and visions meet

Ideally, the last day of the month should have been more appropriate for this so that we can start up the new month in another note. All things being equal, I can steal a few hours to wrap up August and then draft out my dream September. I love to dream first rather than watch those dreams, visions, and goals unfold.


August was a beautiful month for me; it was my birth month, and while I celebrated my birthday in one of its days, I had taken more than enough time to not just reflect about the months but look back at my achievements in life so far.

From last year down to this month of August, I have been able to purchase some assets for my fashion business. Most times, it is often very difficult to start up a business without having the appropriate working tools. With the machines I have so far, I can decide to get an office, get my business officially registered, and my dream of becoming a fashion CEO is then a reality, but for now my machines are well arranged in my living room while I take little orders of sewing every now and then.


Also for the month of August, specifically on the 27th, we started the harvest of our corn. I have embarked on commercial farming, investing a good amount of my financial capital and otherwise in the farm. Through it all, harvest has been sweet so far, and the pictures are here to tell the stories. The remaining parts of this will be the preparation and sale of our corn to determine if we made profit or not.


I have always dreamed about becoming a large-scale farmer, both in food crops and poultry. I have a certificate registered in this already, and this year I was able to take the step to achieve this vision. Although our farming started from a micro- to small-scale business level, there will be room for expansion if both profit and capital continue to increase.

Sometimes it is almost very difficult to decide what we want to do with our lives, which profitable investment is there to engage in, where to put our capital most especially in this part of the country. So many career visions and dreams never find realization or manifestation because of hard economic policies and several other challenges that often show up.

We often give it a thorough thought to determine what dreams to pursue
I have a desire to pursue a science course and at least get certified as a professional. In the month of August, I have looked into how I can attend a college course about laboratory technology. I really desire to have a certificate in the educational sector so that one can climb up the ladder from being illiterate to a master or doctor in a field of study. Well, I only made inquiries on how to go about that. Hopefully I can get more certificates in the field of science.

These are a picture of some of my dreams, vision, and goals for life, and I am more than happy to be witnessing more success unfold as the days pass by. This officially closes the month of August for me.

Imagws are mine/ image 1 Canva designed
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