Claim Free Game Items Before They Become Unavailable - Farsite - A Sci-Fi Space MMO - Why You Shouldn't Miss This.

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Farsite is based on a post-apocalyptic world where survivors can travel and explore the farthest places of universe.

The universe contains constellations - a group of number of stars. And stars have their own planetary systems with planets having unique properties. Each planet is divided into sectors, which is a space that players can own to mine resources and minerals, construct buildings, ships and other parts. Basically where players can create a base to operate and involve into further game activities.

All the game items work on crafting principle i.e. you'll have to explore, mine and acquire blueprints, minerals and other resources to craft an item. You will also have to first construct relevant buildings on your base - like 'Shipyard' to craft ship hulls and 'Factory' to produce ship modules. Almost all items are created by players in the game using materials found by players.

The in game currency is credits, which can be purchased using 'FAR' tokens and can be used to build, craft, produce, buy and sell anything in the game.

If all this got you excited, then let me tell you, this is just tip of the iceberg and I have not even scratched the surface. There are so-so many other things like - career paths you can follow. You can choose to become a manufacturer of ships and modules, or an explorer of different stars and constellations, or Miner of resources, or a governor by owning control of a star and many more things.

You can sell whatever you acquire or produce at a profit in internal marketplaces known as stations and also at external NFT exchanges. If you want to take a deep dive into what it's all about - Read the official guide here and Sign up

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I can go on on about what else it has to offer, but that's about me, why should you care? I will give you two reasons about why this is promising and why you should jump the wheel -

Free Open Market -

All Farsite items can be freely traded between players in the markets. And different players need different items based on their playstyle.

For example, you can build a mining empire to mine and sell resources for a profit to meet the demand of players with manufacturing units.

This integrates economy at the root level of the game and you'll have to take part in it to grow and progress further. The prices of items are determined by the free forces of demand and supply.

CNFT's -

So what are cnft’s? To make it simple to understand, in addition to being player owned assets, they are also collateralized. Meaning a minimum amount of credits is tied up with every NFT (or game item) that can be claimed any time you want buy buring that NFT (or game item).

This also create possibilities of staking your assets to take credit loans or get a fixed credit interest etc. The assets have an inherent value, as certain amount of tokens are reserved to collateralize them.

The In Game Currency 'Credits' can only be obtained, along with othergame items by buying crates. The crates will be available to buy in the store from tomorrow.

This is the first sale of crates to stimulate the game economy by distributing credits and in game items - Join now.

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How to claim free game items?

Disclaimer - These are not NFT's and can't be traded in the market m. But these can be used in the game to play and farm NFT's, when it launches.

To claim these free items -

  • Head Over to Farsite Official Site
  • Sign Up by using email and creating a password.
  • Login & Let your dockyard to load
  • Spot the 'Airdrops' section in front of you and click on 'Airdrops' button.
  • You'll be presented with tasks that you can complete to earn score.
  • At the right side you can find the list of rewards you can unlock by collecting more score.

You can easily collect a ship and a weapon with very little effort.

I loved the concept of this game and I am excited. And I hope it won't be as capital intensive as Megacryptopolis and more people will be able to play it.

I'll be coming up with more guides and similar opportunities. Follow and ensure you don't miss out on any. Thanks

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