Thoughts about FAILURE and HPUD

It is always good to make plans. As the saying goes:

If you fail to plan - then plan to fail.

However, sometimes plans are made but failure occurs anyway. Actually, this happens to the majority of plans even at corporate levels. When failure is admitted that is first step in the right direction. It is futile to pretend that things are going well or to ignore failure.

shattered glass

Why do plans fail?

Plans fail for many reasons.
The first reasons that come to mind are the following:

  1. No action was taken
  2. Plan was ignored
  3. Plan is complicated - so its difficult to execute
  4. The goals were unrealistic
  5. The scope was unrealistic
  6. Lack of financial resources
  7. Lack of people to perform roles defined
  8. No "buy in" from stakeholders
  9. The timing was not fitting the plan
  10. Unexpected events

Some and/or all of these 10 can be applicable to any types of endeavour/project that failed.

What to do?

  • After the reasons for failure are ascertained, then another plan can be made which incorporates the change needed.
  • Failure should be seen as feedback. Hence, all reasons for failure should be used as a way to improve things.
  • Ultimately, there are lessons learnt.
  • The next step is to start anew.

Restarting a failed endeavour/project is an opportunity to get things right and sometimes improve on the original idea(s).

As Albert Einstein said:
"You never fail until you stop trying”.

Failure can occur -so do not give up. Keep on trying. It should be accepted as a normal possibility in a process. It can also be seen as a chance for improvement, growth and development. Sometimes starting again makes things better.


I could not blog for the last 7 days. My offline responsibilities took priority. Hobbies are second in line to offline responsibilities. Hive is a hobby - so I had no choice. I had to accept that this will happen and that there is nothing that could be done about it. This is #10 in the list above. I need to expect the unexpected.

I was thinking about my SMART goals which I set for increasing my HP. I wondered whether I was still on track regarding achieving them. Let's take a look at some statistics.

Hive Power Up Month

I tried to power up daily for Hive Power Up Month by @hivebuzz but unfortunately I missed a few days. I did option 2 where I power up at least 1 Hive per day and do not power down for the month. I will try again this month.

Today, I powered up 100 HIVE!!

Thereafter, my total was 6,418.17.

According, posts rewards staked was 307.12 HP - compared to 305.08 in July.

My HP, hence my influence on the platform, is growing slowly but surely.

My goal is a minimum of 7,500 HP by the end of the year. Minussing my HP is 6,416.17 - I need 1,083.83. That means an average of approximately 271 HP per month for the next 4 months - in order to achieve my goal. With the wonderful support of communities and readers, I remain hopeful and positive.


I am very happy that being absent for 7 days and hence not writing posts had no impact. However, only 1 of those posts would have had been a part of my August totals.

It is good to see that I did not fail to meet my goals. Otherwise, I would need to take some of my own advice above. 😀

Happy #HPUD day!
Best wishes to everyone for a glorious, rewarding, happy and successful Month!

The photo is my own

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