2024: LPUD - Timing and Goals

Time waits for no one. It moves stealthily, silently but purposefully. It is a force that seems to guide life. In the end, time is never wasted if it is enjoyed. I always say - Life is time - hence one must be mindful of who we spend our time with.

Big Ben - London, England

I have been using my time very wisely and wilfully and unfortunately I had little time for blogging. I did not write, neither could I set goals for 2024. It is a real pity but my offline life was very demanding. However, there is no time like the present moment - so I can still set my goals today. I will start with my LPUD goals.

LPUD goals

I hope to have 10,000 LEOs by the end of the year. I will then be a LION (5,000 LEOs) for sure but not yet "Leader of the pack". I will keep my goal SMART and definitely realistic.

In the spirit of things, I have just powered up 200 LEOs.

I had 3,495.95 LP - now my balance is 3,659.94 LEOs.

I am taking small CUB steps and will soon become a LION. Every step counts as many small stakes can make a big difference to the InLeo ecosystem.

Hive goals

With setting goals, even if they are the S.M.A.R.T. est - a key element is time management. Goals are simply the guide for where one wants to go and what one wants to achieve. Without good time management - one gets busy with other things and there is no time to really pursue the goals which are set. I speak for myself as this is a constant challenge and my offline life takes priority. Nevertheless, I do want to slowly increase my influence on the HIve platform. As a result, I do not give up - instead I persevere.
My S.M.A.R.T. goal :

  • Specific - 11,804 HP
  • Measureable via reports from https://hivestats.io/ etc.
  • Achievable - based on knowledge of my responsibilities (on and offline)
  • Relevant – to my HP growth wishes
  • Time-bound – deadline is December 31, 2024

I am currently at 7,804 HP - therefore I need to earn 4,000 HP. I chose this figure in order to not create stress for myself but still provide a challenge.

Saturday Savers Club

I have also decided to joined the Saturday Savers Club from @eddie-earner and @sally-saver. By joining the club, I can save in a methodological and accountable way. Afterall, saving is a good thing. I would like to save a minimum of 5 HBD every Saturday - hence 280 HBD by the end of the year.

My current balance is HBD 63.87 - therefore the balance would then be HBD 342.87.

Thank you

I am grateful for the support I've received in 2024. A big thank you to all communities and followers who kindly visit my posts. Thanks for the curation, engagement and encouragement. 😀

I feel good that I have managed to make this particular post as my first post of 2024. I am happy to participate in the first LPUD.
Happy LPUD day everyone - until next month.

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