The Real Value Of Value Of Hbd.

Money is a necessity for survival, no money means no survival. And today survival is a common problem worldwide. And lucky for us we have a variety of crypto to bank on. And also a variety of stable coins to choose from. But the one that has quickly grown to become one of my favorites is HBD.

In hard times like this, I just thank God for HBD.

The Value of HBD in my country

So guys, as I have established earlier HBD is a stable coin, but it is capped at a value of $1. Though it may seem little, having a lot tends to be more valuable.

Since hbd is valued at $1 and the value of a dollar in Nigeria, is equal to 560 Naira.

Therefore with 10HBD, you should be able to buy yourself something reasonable like a handbag, shoes, shirts, headset, and food. But not all at once, because 10Hbd can get you only one or at most two of the above-listed items.

Say, you want to buy a handbag whose affordable price value should be at 3,500 or 4,500 Naira( bags of medium quality). You would still have enough money to buy yourself either a cold drink or a plate of food, bearing in mind that if you buy one of these you are trekking back home.

There are a lot of mini things that 10HBD can further get you in Nigeria, like a bag of water, a cinema ticket, and more importantly, it can pay your light bills, and renew your cable subscription. The value of HBD is limitless when it comes to the little things.

But when you living on your own, you'll require all the good things of life, or even just the basics, and 10,50, 100, 150, and 200 HBD can barely keep you afloat, as the economy keeps taking its dip. Which causes the price of goods and commodities in Nigeria to keep rising.

1000HBD on the other hand, sets you up for might not be for life, but at least you won't go hungry for about one and a half years.

So there you have it guys, 10hbd can get you the little things of life like food and clothes but it will not guarantee you a comfortable life except if you have a thousand HBD in your arsenal, living with 10, 20, 100 or more HBD is not going to be particularly comfortable as well.

But, there's one value that Hbd brings to the table, that is undisputed and unchangeable. And that is, financial freedom. Yes, HBD might vary in my area and your area in terms of price. But there's one value that stays constant. And that's the freedom it gives you, especially if you have been depending on your parents for a while(like me ), it buys you a personality, and increases your value and mental health.

So, for me right now the value of HBD is financial freedom no matter how much of it you have in your wallet. It just sets you up for life.

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