Yet I the blogger needs to be ashamed of verifiable facts and MY OPINIONS?

Good morning St Maarten, I need to start with an apology... Before getting into an emotional debate, I must know ALL info about the topic. The more I research, the more I realize how much more I need to learn because everything is constantly evolving. If we are not educating ourselves we stagnate...we cannot grow. So, I am busy educating myself about things I thought I knew well enough... Turns out, certain things I was wrong about. Other things I simply didn't know. So thank you to my critic this morning. Everyone knows my blog thrives on criticism and negativity. So in trying to silence my criticism of Rolando Brison, your hypocrisy compels me to respond...
Every time they send somebody to silence me, I blog... So, if you want me to ease up on my criticism... understand that my anger manifests all of my writing. I would NEVER blog about Government if they did not feel compelled to harass me. Government harassment of me is what forces me to continue writing. So they started in with me... this morning.

  1. I need more research before arguing things I do not fully understand. My knowledge of Cryptocurrency and blockchain is limited and superficial, there are many layers to the Cryptocurrency onion.
  2. I believe Cryptocurrency is the future of currency, it's not all scams, but I still believe there are too many flaws, it seems to be very much in the beginner stage, too risky for an entire Islands economy, so when I was debating, I should have worded it that way.
  3. I was wrong about several things, not everything. I've stopped arguing to do research and homework.
  4. Because we are in the Cryptocurrency beginners stage, it's very volatile, much more so than the guilder or dollar. I blogged in emotion, because reading Brison's comment, that yes Cryptocurrency is volatile... but so is the Dollar and Guilder. When I see the comparison in volatility between the dollar and Cryptocurrency... Brison's dismissal and denial and downplaying of the risk made me see RED.
  5. Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash is DIFFERENT. But if you are not in the Cryptocurrency game. It ALL LOOKS the same. Thank you for educating me. But Rolando Brison is coming with a sales pitch of something that is to 99.9999% of St Maarteners a MYSTERY.
  6. Are St Maarten people too dumb to get the basics of crypto?
  7. Of course this Cryptocurrency push is being viewed with suspicion.
    šŸ˜Ž I learned sales in Illinois, and I was great at it because we are trained to start with the basic information and instruction. Respect your customer, and they will buy. NO HARD SALES PITCHES. Just respectful suggestions.
  8. There's a reason I refuse the title journalist or reporter.... 33 YEARS REPORTING IN SXM...A reporter for the Chronicle and the Guardian newspaper since I was aged 14.
    NOBODY in St Maarten has more seniority in the St Maarten journalism and media game.
    I CHOOSE TO BLOG, because I cannot remain silent when I see our government doing us wrong, because that's what "journalism", means in St Maarten... Look the other way when our politicians are looting our money, lying to us daily, our Parliamentarians are in and out of prison...In St Maarten no media coverage... Nobody bats an eye.
    I refuse the Government Press Pass because I cannot remain quiet, I won't be censored Bloggers are allowed to have an opinion, Bloggers can post the TRUTH...
    Whether people like me or not. I fill a niche in St Maarten...I post news, conjecture, and opinion... I'm not always right, just 99% of the time. In St Maarten the press is censored and restricted, it's not like America, in SXM the media better watch what they say. So about 10% of the actual news gets reported. Everything else if you dare speak out you PAY. How many foreign reporters have gotten deported in St Maarten for honest reporting? Too many... but they cannot deport me. If St Maarten journalists and reporters weren't forced to write in fear...then nobody would need me. My niche in the St Maarten media is to publish 90% of the news that is censored from the public, so much is concealed from the St Maarten public.
    My job is to post the 90% of information that our government hides from us, which the mainstream reporters are afraid or not allowed to touch. St Maarten has enough censored reporters, worried about losing jobs. That's why you have Bloggers like us...
    How many times have they locked me up, not one charge... simply to silence and intimidate?
    Without Bloggers like me risking arrest to post facts, The majority of St Maarteners would be in the dark, Government would never be forced to tell the truth... Bloggers hold the government accountable.
    Bloggers like myself work for the people. .NOT the government. Journalists work the other way around. I started as a reporter over 30 years ago, and the first thing you learn is that newspapers cannot always report the truth...and in St Maarten, nothing is at it appears to be. I am a blogger because in politics in St Maarten, there is more than meets the eye. There is no mystery why I have a large following, St Maarten people want the unfiltered truth.
  9. The Daily Herald can say Brison is pushing Cryptocurrency, and people see the politician and many people have come to St Maarten and lost everything to con artists and politicians in three-piece suits because local media are not allowed to tell the truth about political cons and land scams, notary scams.
  10. The Government and system owe us ALL information, the politician and the character of the man. Somehow I'm evil for pointing out the face of Cryptocurrency is on record for embezzlement, theft, and fraud?
  11. One question if you want to invest or put your money in stocks, the bank. Before you invest your entire life savings and risk your future... Would you like to know if the person handling your life savings history of fraud, theft, or embezzlement? Honestly, let me know in the comments if we should have full financial and criminal records of ANYONE we entrust with everything we worked for.
  12. If you leave your child with a school or any educator... I believe you do have a right to check history and records.
  13. When Rolando Brison pushed the bank initiative for the St Maarten, even with his record of illicit activity, even though I knew he had ulterior motives... I praised Rolando Brison for doing something for the people. I boosted Rolando Brison doing good, to over 100.000
  14. It is NOT personal, evil, mean, and nasty to point out that St Maarten is being TOLD NOT ASKED, that we are the future of Cryptocurrency... by a known Fraudster, money mismanaged who is on camera, as a sitting Parliamentarian with a known Mafia boss.
  15. It is OUR RIGHT as St Maarteners in our democracy to be ASKED, not TOLD what our government intentions are.
  16. People are madder at me, then the man saying he is putting all of his money into something he does NOT fully understand. St Maarten people are adults, yet our politicians don't show us the basic respect to try to educate, instruct and inform... then maybe a vote or referendum.
  17. I do go too far, but St Maarten adults got a big mouth for me, as the government is making backdoor deals, hiding the full truth from the people who elected them.
  18. How many foreign investors contact ME??? They were in St Maarten were conned, scammed, defrauded, and lost EVERYTHING in St Maarten to 1) The Notary stole their property or land, how many Americans and Canadians contact me because they did business with a politician who was a crook and got scammed? How many retained lawyers in St Maarten, and the lawyer took their money, then made deals with the person you were suing lawyer, before your case gets to court, behind the scenes the decision has been made... Money has changed hands.
  19. If St Maarten had REAL JOURNALISTS, freedom of speech and expression. If St Maarten didn't have one media, the Daily Herald which takes politicians' money to write hit jobs, are money hungry and sponsor dependent... THEN I WOULD NOT BE ON FACEBOOK... Reading our politicians bullish... and when they lie, it's like the lies about Santa Claus you tell to children.
  20. And because I am the only person who gets mad enough to explode in frustration... People think I'm here on my page posting fantasy and fiction.
  21. There is a reason why I am so UNLIKABLE... But still have the largest following in the Dutch and Eastern Caribbean... I'M NON PROFIT NO FUNDS. People follow me because I am not sponsored, no advertising NO GOVERNMENT FUNDING.
  22. My haters and critics and detractors follow me more than anyone. Because most have been through the system, at the end of the day, people want one thing from the Government... THE ONE THING THE GOVERNMENT WON'T GIVE THEM... HONESTY... BASIC ETHICS AND INTEGRITY... FUNDAMENTAL TRUTH.
  23. People tell me in my face, they don't like my personality, my attitude... my approach. Why do I get personal? Why can I not be more professional? Why am I so mean? I let them know.. when they grow the backbone to ask our government that's hurting and deceiving the St Maarten people the same questions... the SAME questions they use to silence me... THEN I might listen to you.
  24. I'm criticized for believing in transparency in any business transaction. Before criticizing me, ask outside investors or potential investors how important a business history is, how important the character and ethics are when it comes to dealing with businesses HONESTLY.
  25. So ... I was taking the entire month of March. Relax, recover...
  26. I cannot and do not blog for profit or money... Rolando's deception, shade, and lies... COMPELLED ME TO BLOG.
  27. I don't like being the grim reaper, Ms. Negativity... I have American tourists trolling me... because when I get angry enough to post VERIFIABLE TRUTH AND FACTS... I dare to destroy their delusions and fantasy. Corruption in property and ownership at the Kadaster, notary taking bribes, the lawyers taking money from both sides... My advice to the people who don't like me or get upset because I'm telling you is, do NOT go there. They need to quit following me.
  28. The majority on this page are not local, or the even Caribbean. The largest audience on this page is the UNITED STATES and CANADA... then HOLLAND, FRANCE... St Maarten is just in the top 10. Everyone on this page has options. SMN, HERALD, SOUALIGA, 721... St Maarten has MANY news sources... but with sponsorship, advertisers, and government pressure, they cannot do what I do.... especially the ones with mortgages, bills, etc... Most in the media game have children, putting food on the table in St Maarten, and paying for your kid's education. FEAR OF RETALIATION AND PUNISHMENT IF YOU OFFEND THE WRONG POLITICIANS. So that's where I come in, post facts, and I take all the heat and the blame.
  29. My niche in this St Maarten media game is NOT to run scared, expose them. How many mainstream media in St Maarten come to me with information... Because they fear repercussions, and they have a family. If I believe in something when they are hurting workers and abusing illegals... they bring their stories and proof to EVERYONE in St Maarten, but nobody will publish their story if I feel I'm doing the right thing blogging about employers abusing and not paying their workers for months. I post everything uncensored. And I make a bunch of enemies, for exposing the system's abuse of the voiceless.
  30. In St Maarten the government NEVER does right, unless they are PUBLICLY SHAMED. Our government is not upset with Rolando Brison embezzling from his former company, there is no shame in Brison sitting in Parliament, making decisions that effects all of us, in a pump and dump scheme. There is NO SHAME IN THE FACT THAT MORE THAN HALF OF OUR GOVERNMENT IS UNDER INVESTIGATION... NO SHAME IN POLITICIANS FRATERNIZING WITH THE CRIMINAL UNDERGROUND?
  31. Yet I the blogger need to be ashamed of verifiable facts and MY OPINIONS?
  32. That is what gets me hyped up... Then you get a blog like this...
  33. Reverse psychology is supposed to make the criminal politicians...taking bribes, looting the coffers dry the victims. And how many political pawns approach me as soon as I leave my property to silence me.
  34. I don't always want to blog. I can stay quiet until like this morning, they tried to say I was bad and wrong. Daily gaslighting, daily criticism is supposed to silence me. But the hypocrisy is what angers me, and compels me to WRITE.
  35. So I am supposed to be doing laundry until somebody had to start with me this morning... A government slave had to disturb my peace... By letting me know, my posting facts about Rolando Brison and Cryptocurrency is WRONG. The government and politicians sending people to gaslight need to understand that YOU ARE THE GENERATORS OF MY BLOGS! Without Daily gaslighting, harassment, criticism... If I were content if I were allowed to live in peace... there would be NO BLOGS.
  36. St Maarten is very small... so of course government sends people with offers of bribes, Death threats, cut down daily, calling me the bad guy, every day in St Maarten as a woman, people are sent to be friendly, then they let me know what I am doing is WRONG. How I express myself is approach to dealing with our kleptocratic government is wrong.
  37. This is what compels me to blog... Daily criticism that is supposed to erode my confidence, put doubt in me for daring to say the truth about politicians.
  38. So I was supposed to be relaxing until I was chastised for pointing out that before a politician KNOWN for embezzlement, fraud, ethics violation starts shoving nonsense down our throats... It's DISRESPECTFUL to ALL ST-MAARTEN PEOPLE. If you don't inform, instruct, and offer a basic explanation, overview, or education. THAT IS THE ULTIMATE DISRESPECT...
  39. The person who thought they could shut me up this morning...
    by subtly bigging up a crooked politician as he is selling us a risky scam. As they criticized my language and tried to get me to relax on Rolando Brison, by cutting me down.
    Understand I was supposed to be doing laundry... Until they sent you to let me know I'm a bad person... Me demanding transparency and treating voters with respect is wrong. Because I say don't come with a sales pitch, come with facts and information...
    My blog energy comes not from contentment... Thank you for the criticism, the reverse psychology, the negativity generates EVERY SINGLE WORD.
    St Maarten politicians need to stop sending people at me, realize my writing thrives on negativity. I take all criticism and negativity and I convert that energy into WORDS. I am allowed my opinions in my country.
    They were right about me being wrong about generalizing all Cryptocurrency. I was wrong for arguing based on personality. But when I'm being told I'm wrong for proving who Rolando Brison is, because it's a personal attack. Then I have to get my side of the story out.
    Foreigners, visitors potential foreign investors, and the St Maarten people ARE ENTITLED TO TRANSPARENCY, FULL DISCLOSURE... Politicians are OUR EMPLOYEES... AS ROLANDO BRISON'S EMPLOYER. I HAVE A RIGHT TO FULL DISCLOSURE... When foreign investors get duped and scammed... then they get to run around by the local authorities. THAT IS WHAT IS DESTROYING OUR ISLANDS REPUTATION. NOT MY BLOGS, MY ATTITUDE, OR MY PROFANITY.
    I only blog like this when the government sends agents to harass me. If I am wrong... WHY NOT HAVE YOUR LAWYER CONTACT ME WITH A CEASE AND DESIST? 721 527 6730 or 721 527 2769
    IF I AM MALICIOUSLY POSTING LIES ETC... THEIR LAWYERS KNOW HOW TO REACH ME. BUT IT'S THE TRUTH... So they send agents to offer bribes or harass me. Then they compelled me to blog even more.
    Every time they send somebody to shut me up, understand that the blogs would not be alive without a constant stream of negative energy.
    This is me keeping it short and sweet. The next time these politicians send pawns to harass me... then I will truly blog about Government people being sent to silence me. Without the government being afraid of me, constant harassment of me for the opinions that I post, there would be NO BLOGGING.
    Anyone who has issues with me SEND YOUR LAWYERS... stop triggering me, then you want sympathy from me?
    Explain to the St Maarten Government that every time they try to silence the truth, try to silence me. I write about it, the government begging for sympathy... explain to them they causing their own investigations, their own misery. NOT ME.
    I have yet to unleash on certain politicians, I've been too weak and sick... But government sees my silence as weakness, rather than leaving me in peace.. they figured they could antagonize me.
    Then want sympathy when I get ruthless online and treat them with the same disdain that they treat the St Maarten voter on our so-called friendly island...
    Because we are supposed to be the Friendly island, we are supposed to be mistreated, disrespected... then gaslighting the people. NOT ME.
    Now my laundry... as I wait for the next government maco to start with me.
    Off my chest
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