My thoughts about Splinterlands rumored economic changes - Value for Value


Hi guys, so everyone on Splinterlands is talking about the recent talks of changes rumored to be put in effect soon in Splinterlands game play. Specifically about replacing Collection Power(CP) with $SPS, the governance token.

Now everyone has said their opinions, it’d be futile for me regurgitate what everyone has said, but I’ll like to touch on few matters of concerns for me. Many people are of the opinion that this change is going to impact new comers more and I almost can’t object to it. Why?


Stacking up cards is already costly, another cost that new players will have to deal with will now be SPS. According to the diagram I saw, to enjoy the game at reasonable stages will cost a couple of hundreds of dollars of staked SPS at current prices.

Unfortunately that’s only one way to look at it, don’t get me wrong, this change may not sit well with every new player, most people want to earn maximum rewards with minimum investment, that’s why Play to earn is something most people will always jump at.

Except that Play to Earn as a simple term involves a lot more than just plugging, playing and earning, only people who really understand that play to earn as a concept involves more than that will be quick to realize that value brings value and if it’ll take a handful of hundreds of dollars to bring value then so be it.


Sadly these type of people are only a handful. So while gamers may want to have a ton of other players, and games want as much people playing, the type of players that mostly populates the game also matters to the growth and success of the gaming economy.

A handful of people who get the concept of play to earn will benefit the game more than the ones that have the wrong understanding of it.


So after all this talk, how does this change affect me? With the amount of SPS I hold, my earnings will be sort of relegated to silver 2 and that’s on me, I should have much more SPS staked but finances finances finances, while I’m grateful that my SPS stake came through for me at the time of need, it is my responsibility to get back on track and stake up to meet the desired requirements.

Thing is, SPS is like the most important thing in the Splinterlands game, especially regarding the Splinterlands economy and its strength is vital to the future of the game. These changes are basically efforts to ensure right standing of SPS token and if it works and attracts the right gamers then it will benefit everyone, both the people who’ve earned it from beginning of the game and those who had to buy it.


Another thing I saw people talk about was that many Splinterlands gamers who’ve heavily invested in cards due to collection power May rage quit and sell their cards as this change directly affects them especially if they haven’t been accumulating SPS.

So yeah another wave of cheap cards may be hitting the market but it’s just sad that this period is quite tight for me, else I would love to pick up a ton of them. But if I don’t pick them, others will, markets don’t care.

While we wait for more clarity about this rumored changes coming, I hope many people rewire their perception about Play to earn and know that value in is value out, value brings value, free to play is different from play to earn and if we want Splinterlands SPS to be successful we should foster this culture among ourselves first.


Thanks for reading.

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