$DEC: A good asset for a new investor in Splinterlands

Dark Energy Crystals, DEC, is the in-game currency token for Splinterlands. DEC is earned when one wins splinterlands battles and tournament. A splinterlands player can also earn DEC by burning unworthy cards in your collection. You can use DEC to buy all sorts of great items in the splinterlands game shop. I personally bought some splinterlands cards with my DEC. See post here.

After engaging splinterlands game for at some months now, I am convinced at the role of DEC in the splinterlands ecosystem as well as the huge profit locked in there especially when buying during the deep bear season as this. In fact, this should be the first asset that a new splinterlands player should own. You need it to buy cards and card packs.


Two months ago, I got fascinated by the DEC token and did set my investment goal. That was 10,000 DEC holdings in 30 days. Many things happened and I could not hit the target as planned. No need looking back. It's time to look forward especially this new year.

Today, I have decided to start up my DEC stacking adventure and behold what I saw in the tribaldex market was beautiful. $DEC is priced at half its supposed peg price of $0.001. That was too good to be true. I didn't need more counsel to knpow that it's right time to buy DEC tokens.

Here is my Transaction link for buying 2339 DEC tokens. That amount of DEC cost me about 5 Hive. It's a good start towards a 30 days goal of 0k DEC as earlier planned. I know and I am sure I will surpass that bargain this time.

My arithmetic shows me that buying DEC now places me advantaged to earn 50% profit once DEC hits back the designed peg price of $0.001. I do not know how long it may take for that to happen now that we are in a deep bear season. I will keep stacking and using them to buy assets in the splinterlands marketplace which values it at $0.001.

What will I do with DEC?

My plans for DEC are simple. I am stacking them for the following reasons:

  1. To make profits when the prices heals back to peg price
  2. To buy splinterlands card packs and cards.
  3. To rent powerful splinterlands cards for battles.

Above is my 2339 DEC in my htribaldex wallet. Soon, it would read 5k and then 10k.

My DEC Goals

I know there are other great assets in the splinterlands ecosystem. My first interest is DEC. I want to reach the 10k milestone and then I will look at SPS and others.

I just how I am right with my decisions but with what other advanced splinterlands players say about DEC. I think it's something to reckon with. Do you think that $DEC is a good asset for a new investor in Splinterlands?

Splinterlands has become my new found Gaming Addiction.

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