What if you have a doppelganger? Elon Musk has one

Few days back, I saw an update on the Internet and I had been meaning to write on it but couldn't until now. It's about Elon Musk, Tesla CEO and new owner of Twitter who had recently got to be aware that he has a doppelganger somewhere in Chinese.

I don't know how I'd react if I were to find out I have a doppelganger somewhere but Elon Musk wished to meet with his doppelganger.

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He wrote a reply on a tweet few days ago that "Maybe I'm partly Chinese" because the resemblance was too much to deny. The news about him having a doppelganger have gone viral and a lot of people are wondering if there was really something behind their resemblance.

I don't know about everyone else but I think I'll react like Elon Musk if I see that I do have a doppelganger and that is to question if he is real or just someone fake.

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He wrote on one of his tweet that he would like to meet his doppelganger but don't know if he's real or fake as we can't be sure these days. No doubt, anyone would have questions about having a doppelganger but a lot might think it isn't real.

The doppelganger of Elon Musk is a Chinese man by the name Yilong Ma who look so much like Elon Musk and calls himself "China Elon Musk".

I've watched some of his videos where he wished to meet Elon Musk saying he loves Elon Musk so much. He isn't fluent with English but the interpretation used sent the message.

The man has uploaded a lot of videos on tiktok that have gotten a lot of views and people have made memes and pictures to show the resemblance of the two (Elon Musk and his doppelganger). All this have made the busy man wish to meet him soon... I wonder when that would happen, would like to know where all these are leading to.


Just in case you've not seen the news before or the image of these two looking so much alike, I've shared a picture of them. What do you think? I think Yilong Ma is the younger but replica of Elon Musk.

But if it is true that Yilong is not fake, how come about this amazing resemblance? I don't know how I'd react to meet one looking so much like me though. Maybe Elon Musk's wish to meet him would have been my step too.

So tell me, what if you have a doppelganger? What would be your reaction? Let's have some interaction in the comment section 😊

By the way, don't laugh at me if I say it's my first time knowing the word "Doppelganger" even though I know there exist some people who have a replica of themselves but as families not from different countries like Elon's situation.

Thanks for reading!!!

Meme used in this post was gotten and edited from meme generator

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