Crypto Opportunities & Lessons On Hive

This may sound funny but my first encounter with Cryptocurrency wasn't like the usual stories I've heard, I actually had this concluding thought that crypto is Ethereum and not Ethereum being one of the Cryptocurrency out there. It's a little funny but it was my step to learning more into what crypto is and what more to know about it.

Since I started to learn about Cryptocurrency, I've always thought of it positively and I mean, in the light that it would change lives and take the world to a better place but not without risks, setbacks and challenges. I made my first crypto investment with a mind that I would learn with it whether I lost or had monetary gains from it.

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If I am being specific about the action that taught me more lessons about Cryptocurrency and opportunities in it, it has to be the Hive Blockchain. I've been a part of this blockchain for more than two years and it's been transforming since I joined it, from learning more about what I can do to doing more with crypto. I've always loved to share my experiences here on Hive with friends and any who would care to listen because the impact it has had in my life is amazing.

The Opportunities & Lessons On Hive.

Being on Hive is like a free access to many opportunities as you continue to learn different things and lessons. So if I'm going to share opportunities, it has to go with the lessons in it. The opportunities comes easily to any who learns the lessons Hive teaches and uses them to ab advantage. With crypto, it's mostly "You win some, you lose some" but with Hive, I'd say "You win much, you learn more". I hope that made a lot of sense to anyone reading it or you might want to read it again.

With that in mind, here are some of the Crypto opportunities and lessons I've come to appreciate the Hive Blockchain for.


With every Hive power up days, Leo Power up days, I am reminded of how much Hive is so dedicated in creating more investors on the blockchain than just earners and spenders. How my Hive power increased from 0 to 9k+ is all thanks to the consistent crypto investing the platform has set in place. And not just Hive power, a lot of Hive users are investing in different tokens as well... More investments on Hive is more earnings, only a few projects could fail from what I've learnt on the platform. This is both an opportunity and lesson to be valued.


With our local banks experiences, I can bet that a lot of us are more appreciative about this opportunity Hive provides as saving is better and more rewarding with Hive. Staking Hive is a means of saving that isn't made out as saving in the first place but you investing. The HBD savings option is another many are taking good advantage of. There are many other ways to save and grow your crypto portfolio on Hive. Not everyone could save before Hive but Hive has taught many this lesson.


I believe not many of us could swap, convert or sell tokens before they joined Hive. Even after joining Hive, not many learnt this lesson easily or early enough but a lot of us can swap our tokens to earn more or make more investments, Hive teaches that. This option has provided us the opportunity to increase our level of investments by having our eggs in many baskets.



Like investing and saving that I've mentioned, Hive provides staking opportunities for every well built token. If not staking, a way is provided to earn more of the token by tipping them while being active on Hive. Aside Hive power, we can also stake our second layer tokens and increase our earnings when we curate contents.

Mining and Airdrops

I use tags like tribes #leofinance #proofofbrain #vyb #archon #waivio and other Hive crypto tags for the right kind of contents I share, I get to mine for different tokens that way. It is a case of killing many birds with one stone no matter how little the mining returns are. I've witnessed a few Airdrop programs on Hive and the one I remember well enough is the Vyb airdrop, I got a new phone thanks to that Airdrop. More are coming on Hive, it's advisable to keep your eyes and research button on always hehe.

Play To Earn

The gaming side of Hive keeps growing by every new update and the most recent is the Holozing game which I'm more excited about as I was lucky to be among it's first investor and hopefully among the first players. There are a lot of other Hive blockchain games that you can play to earn on. There are #splinterlands #godsunchained #golem #dcrops #risingstar and a lot more that I can't remember now. All are games you could play and earn from them, some have features for staking or saving for more profits. If this isn't a great opportunity from Cryptocurrency, I don't know what it is again.

Buying or investing during ICO

High risk but offer higher rewards if all goes well for you. This means investing in new projects and becoming part of those creating awareness while the project tries to kick off until it becomes a good and known project. There are projects today that started small but early investors continued to earn and there are projects that was never heard of after a brief awareness. And that is why this aspect of crypto opportunity is a high risk and at the same time have high rewards offers.

Trading is another opportunity Hive provides that I'm not so vested in just yet but I've seen and heard of a lot of Hivers use this opportunity to their advantage. Hive has not reach it's limit, there will be more opportunities to come and here are a few offers we enjoy while exploring the lessons to more opportunities.

  • Learning curves to grow your knowledge in the crypto world.
  • Helps to improve users skills (blogging, vlogging, arts, music and more).
  • Provides users with great connections around the globe (followers)
  • Showcase engagement in the most better form (Leothreads and Hivebuzz keeping track).

There are more obviously but these are the one I could think of to share that I am grateful to Hive for. It's a best decision to be on Hive and to do your part for both your benefit and for the blockchain. Share your thought!


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