Comparing Leofinance 'Then' vs 'Now' - A Dynamic Community


The community with the most recent update on everything you'll need to know about cryptocurrency and finance.
The best community to learn how to become a good investor and earn very well passively.
The number one community with dynamics in every members' mind.

That community is Leofinance and I know I won't have to say more than that for anyone to agree with me that it really is all that to the Hive blockchain. I'm one who never likes calculation (especially my money because I spend whenever in hopes that I'll get more in no time) and I know almost nothing about cryptocurrency but joining Hive and coming to know about this community - Leofinance has been so life changing for me.

How was the community when I first got to know about it?


I joined Hive last year April and got to know that a community called Leofinance exist but I never explored it as I thought it was too complicated for me to understand (too finance and crypto related). I just focused on Hive using my favourite frontend - peakD and it was amazing for me until something happened.

My knowledge of Leofinance today was as a result of the continuous updates the community kept giving out, I would always see tweets from the community and that engagement league post from @abh12345 was the most strongest to send my heart into loving Leofinance.

I love engagement and when I saw that he was keeping track of engagement on Leofinance like he does with Hive, I decided to join in for the ride.

I learnt about the Leofinance interface because of this and I couldn't stop thinking how cool the site was for me... But I didn't know a more cooler one was in the process of being born. I remember how often I would visit leofinance daily and engage with big minds on my most dreaded topics, it got easier for me.

In just two months of my time with Leofinance, a mobile app was updated and I downloaded immediately after I saw lots of guide and reviews on the app. I got addicted to the mobile app.

From a site to a cool mobile app! Isn't that so dynamic?



I don't know much about creating a mobile app but I can only imagine it took lots of work to get to realization and I didn't fail to appreciate those behind it by making good use of it. Although there were elapses in using the app for me but it got better, thanks to the update lovers in the community.

Creating a leofinance mobile app download logos was a highlight in Leofinance dynamics


I still remember very well the huge prize given to @finguru for designing a very cool mobile app logo for downloads from playstore and other downloads sites. It's so amazing how the members of the community are so good with a lot of things, the design could have been made by a guru outside the blockchain but it was given as an opportunity to one in the community and just look how cool that is!

I don't think there's a "Then" of a mobile app for Leofinance but this is definitely a new "Now" to the old interface still in use though.

Introducing Threads to the blockchain


I got the most recent update in less than five days after it was announced and I was surprised to see how so many Hive users know about the Leofinance update so quickly... That is another power the community has, information go far with them in the blockchain.

Having #threads on the blockchain is more than a blessing as I felt twitter has been born into Hive but in a more cooler way to me. If you haven't started exploring that feature on Leofinance, you're missing out.

While it was just to post contents and share them on Twitter, #threads from Leofinance have provided one more way to share and bring more eyes to your contents... Really cool, isn't it?

The Leofinance Then And Now

It was an amazing community with a few features but has become cooler and very accommodating to even the most dullest about finance and crypto, thanks to @leogrowth bringing in ways for new users to find their niches within the community.

It has gotten better with the encouragement, the engagement, the activeness of the members and the introduction of new ways to invest and earn more.

This is my entry to the Leogrowth Contest and you're invited to participate too.

First image was designed Here
Other images used are screenshots made from the community interface/mobile app


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