Is REVV the next NFT gaming boom?


NFT gaming has been a massive boom in the sector lately and why wouldn't it be, gaming is a Billion dollar industry in its own right. So those who spend on games naturally would see opportunities in the cryptoshphere that enables them to do what they enjoy and make some money along the way.

Instead of shelling out hundreds of dollars for games and expansion packs NFT gaming enables players to earn rewards to progress.

REVV is a game that I came across some time ago and didn't have much of a following at the time. It was relatively new and still is but it originally launched on Ehtereum as an ERC20 token as transactions were quite expensive.

However, as most Ethereum ERC20 tokens it has bridged to Polygon where it's official races are taking place. It also just launched a Binance wrapped token too in partnership with Pancake swap.

Current Snapshot

At current REVV is inviting liquidity providers with the ability to earn a once off mint if sandbox NFTs. As outlined in their medium post Here liquidity providers have until today 5 August to pair Sand/REVV of $1000 or more on Uniswap to be eligible for the rare minted Sand NFT.

You are required to keep the liquidity there until the 9th of August when another snapshot will be taken. For those who pair and stake over $2000 a further special NFT will be minted the Special Voxel race car.


Now the exciting thing about REVV is that is is owned and run by Animoca Games which has some serious partnerships and rights to FT Delta, MotoGP and even a partnership with one of the world's first gaming developers Atari.

So I'm tipping that REVV where it may seem quite low at the moment is set for big things in the future.

What can you do with REVV?

REVV has quite a decent use case also and at a circulation of 3 Billion you might be thinking that's alot. But not really when you factor into its use cases.

Buying your cars! In order to win races you need good cars which are NFTs. But the purchase doesn't stop there as you'll need to buy a driver, new tyres, repairs and upgrades so there is a constant use case just on playing the game.

REVV is also used as the main currency of the game so naturally when you win a tournament you get paid out in REVV.

Staking also takes part on the platform which can either be with REVV token itself or your car NFTs. Effectively you can loan out your cars to others to race. So if you're not a great racer yourself, you can find someone who is.

When REVV first launched it was 0.006 per token and is currently trading at $US0.22c so a generous increase in value already.

With the recent migration to Matic and a Binance launch which includes a Pancake swap syrup pool. At current the tokens are flying around and easy to nab but as liquidity dries up and hard core gamers jump into this NFT motosport I'd anticipate the value to keep climbing.

What are your thoughts, is REVV the next NFT gaming boom?

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