A Family Hike Through Mt Macedon’s Spring Rainforest

A Family Hike Through Mt Macedon’s Spring Rainforest

Campaigning for local elections can be intense, but taking a moment to step away and recharge is just as important. That’s exactly what we did recently, trading door-knocking in Jackwood Ward for the lush beauty of Mt Macedon’s rainforest. Now that spring has arrived, the landscape is bursting with life, and there was no better place to refresh both our minds and bodies.

Spring Awakening

There’s something magical about the first real days of spring. After a season of cold and grey, the Mt Macedon rainforest feels like it’s awakening and we could feel that energy from the moment we arrived. Towering trees draped in moss, ferns unfurling their fronds. The sweet smell of earth and gum trees it’s hard to describe the transformation that takes place. Everywhere we looked, life was thriving.

The kids were blown away with each step as they now are older and can take more of the world in around them. t’s one thing to talk about nature, but to see it all up close is a whole other experience, especially for young ones. The air was crisp and fresh, and it felt good to leave the noise of everyday life behind and just focus on the present moment, surrounded by greenery.

Family Hiking fun for all!

Hiking as a family has always been something we’ve enjoyed, but doing it in Mt Macedon during spring made it extra special. The trails are accessible for kids, and while there were a few steep sections, they managed just fine. Every now and then, we would pause to catch our breath and take in the view. One of the highlights for them was spotting different types of wildlife that have come out with the warmer weather.

The rainforest really comes alive this time of year. Water trickles down from mountain streams, birds sing from the canopy, and the ground is soft underfoot from the recent rains. We even stumbled upon a few wildflowers blooming along the path—nature’s small reminders that the world is constantly changing and renewing itself.

Natures Reset

For Ashleigh and me, this hike was more than just a physical break from the demands of campaigning it was a mental and emotional reset too. Local politics is important, but there’s something to be said for stepping back and reconnecting with the bigger picture, the beauty of our environment. In a way, it helps refocus our perspective on what really matters, including the preservation of local natural spaces like Mt Macedon for future generations.

There’s a serenity to being surrounded by nature, especially when the rainforest is so full of life. As we hiked, Ashleigh and I talked about how much these green spaces mean to our family and to the community. Protecting them, and ensuring our children and grandchildren can enjoy them, feels like a natural extension of the values that drive our work in the community.

Time to Reflect

As we neared the end of the trail, the kids were tired but happy, and Ashleigh and I felt re-energized. This was exactly the break we needed. It reminded us why we do what we do creating a better, safer, more connected environment for families just like ours. But we also came away from the hike with a renewed appreciation for how important it is to pause, breathe, and appreciate the world around us.

In the coming weeks, we’ll be back on the campaign trail, continuing Ashleigh’s mission to improve our local area. But this hiking trip in the rainforest reminded us that balance is key. As spring unfolds and brings with it more opportunities to explore the outdoors, we’ll be making sure that nature and family time are part of our regular routine.

whether we’re talking about community or nature, nurturing and care are what help things thrive. And sometimes, that means stepping away from the hustle of daily life and taking the time to appreciate the beauty right in front of us.

So, here’s to spring in Mt Macedon the perfect backdrop for a family adventure and a much-needed pause before diving back into the heart of campaigning.

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