Answer and questions for Hivewatcher - Antwort und Fragen an Hivewatcher

EN (DE unten)

Hello dear Hivewatcher,

I would like to reply to your answer in a separate post so that it doesn't get lost and perhaps others can also give their opinion. I hope that you will read it and take the time to reply.

Since my written English is a bit modest, I will use DeepL and try to check if this is translated correctly.
I hope so.

The following answer came from you:

No one is destroying the community.
Only a few accounts that have been spamming and farming have been blacklisted.
The accounts were run by bots and were farming curations + self voting with alter accounts, while their automated giveaways posts have been giving next to worthless prices. Like packs of cards or "scrap" worth less than $1, while farming between $6-$15 per post (depending on the farming account).
The users were given a suggestion of starting creating original content or declining rewards on these spam giveaway posts but they refused the suggestion as they seemed to see no sense in using Hive if they cannot continue with these farms.

No one is destroying the community.

In my opinion, yes, because in my opinion this action puts the Hive blockchain in a negative light, scares off users and leads to less activity. I myself think the raffles that are held here, including the one by @kryptodenno, are great. They make me more active on Hive, because when I stop by for the raffles (I get a ping in Ecency), I also check out other posts.

I've already heard of one or two people who were put off because of downvotes and are no longer active here, but who didn't get any downvotes themselves.

Only a few accounts that have been spamming and farming have been blacklisted.
How many are there? A number would be great, and only a few? But surely there are hundreds of accounts that post like Kryptodenno.

The accounts were run by bots and were farming curations + self voting with alter accounts, while their automated giveaways posts have been giving next to worthless prices. Like packs of cards or "scrap" worth less than $1, while farming between $6-$15 per post (depending on the farming account).

There are also hundreds of accounts, should I start a query to find out how many accounts (without using alt accounts) carry out self-votes?

I once did a query 1-2 years ago and it was over 80% of the accounts that have already done a selfvote and that includes large accounts!

@kryptodenno does not decide how many rewards he gets. (Unlike your Proposal, more on that later). The users are responsible for that. And it seems to be worth a lot to them.
When I look at Kryptodenno's feed, he has actually farmed no 6$ or even more, if at all, his post sometome got a little over 6$ votes, although he only gets 50% of that!
And with his HSBI post he doesn't just give 1 HSBI worth 1 hive to the users, but more, which depends on the votes! (But @woelfchen can't read either).

So you're saying Splinterland's cards are worthless? That they will probably never increase in value? I read that between the lines.
But the participants probably see it a bit differently, otherwise there wouldn't be dozens of participants every day, would there? And it's not just the cards! Also, have you checked how much the tickets cost? What did @kryptodenno pay for them? From your point of view at least, this should have been checked, but it certainly wasn't. From my point of view, it is irrelevant.

The users were given a suggestion of starting creating original content or declining rewards on these spam giveaway posts but they refused the suggestion as they seemed to see no sense in using Hive if they cannot continue with these farms.

What is "original content", the content is from him, or what do you mean?

I'd be really annoyed if he refused the rewards, why would he do that? The users want to give him rewards for it, why would he refuse? No one is forced to vote, it's not a prerequisite, only a comment is necessary. That's the will of the community, why don't you accept it if so many people want it?

Honestly, if he only wanted to farm, there would be other options.

290 HBD per day for Hivewatcher?

If that's not farming, then I don't know what is. But can you explain to me why you need a proposal of this amount?
What happens to all the HBD? Who gets it?

I'd be happy to do the job for 1/10 of that.

I would actually write more, but unfortunately I have to go to bed soon and have to check the English version.

@ Community

The reason was this post:

There's a poll here:

"Is Hive Watcher's doing a good job?"


Why don't you take part and see what the community thinks? So far 100% are in favor of no!

Translated with (free version)


Hallo lieber Hivewatcher,

auf deine Anwort möchte ich dir in einem separaten Post antworten, damit dies nicht untergeht und vielleicht auch andere noch ihre Meinung dazu sagen können. Ich hoffe, dass du es liest und dir die Zeit nimmst darauf zu antworten.

Da mein Englisch in Schrift etwas bescheiden ist, werde ich DeepL nutzen und ausnahmsweise versuchen zu prüfen, ob das soweit korrekt übersetzt ist.
Ich hoffe es.

Folgende Antwort kam von dir:

No one is destroying the community.
Only a few accounts that have been spamming and farming have been blacklisted.
The accounts were run by bots and were farming curations + self voting with alter accounts, while their automated giveaways posts have been giving next to worthless prices. Like packs of cards or "scrap" worth less than $1, while farming between $6-$15 per post (depending on the farming account).
The users were given a suggestion of starting creating original content or declining rewards on these spam giveaway posts but they refused the suggestion as they seemed to see no sense in using Hive if they cannot continue with these farms.

No one is destroying the community.

Meiner Meinung nach schon, denn diese Aktion bringen meiner Meinung nach ein negatives Licht auf die Hive Blockchain, verschreckt Nutzer und führen zu weniger Aktivität. Ich selber finde die Verlosungen, die es hier gibt, dazu zählen die von @kryptodenno toll. Diese bringen mich dazu aktiver auf Hive zu sein, denn wenn ich vorbeischaue wegen der Verlosungen (ich bekomme ja einen Ping in Ecency), dann schaue ich auch noch bei anderen Posts vorbei.

Ich habe schon von dem einen oder anderen gehört, der abgeschreckt wurde wegen Downvotes und hier nicht mehr aktiv ist, selber aber gar kein Downvote bekommen haben.

Only a few accounts that have been spamming and farming have been blacklisted.
Wie viele sind das denn? Eine Zahl wäre toll, und nur ein paar? Aber es gibt doch sicherlich hunderte Accounts, die so Posten wie Kryptodenno.

The accounts were run by bots and were farming curations + self voting with alter accounts, while their automated giveaways posts have been giving next to worthless prices. Like packs of cards or "scrap" worth less than $1, while farming between $6-$15 per post (depending on the farming account).

Davon gibt es doch auch hunderte Accounts, soll ich mal eine Abfrage starten, wie viele Accounts (ohne alt Accounts zu nutzen) Selfvotes durchführen?

Ich hatte mal vor 1-2 Jahren eine Abfrage gemacht und es waren über 80% der Accounts, die schon mal ein Selfvote gemacht haben und dazu zählen auch große Accounts!

@kryptodenno entscheidet doch nicht darüber, wie viel Rewards er bekommt. (Im Gegensatz zu eurem Proposa, dazu später mehr). Dafür sind die User verantwortlich. Und denen scheint es doch einiges Wert zu sein.
Wenn ich mir Kryptodennos Feed mal anschaue, dann hat er eigentlich nee 6$ oder gar mehr gefarmt, wenn überhaupt, bekamen seine Post mal etwas über 6$ Votes, wobei er ja nur 50% davon bekommt!
Und bei seinen HSBI gibt er nicht nur 1 HSBI im Wert von 1 Hive an die User, sondern mehr, was sich nach den Votes richtet! (Aber auch @woelfchen kann nicht lesen).

Du sagst, also Splinterlands Karten sind wertlos? Dass die wohl auch niemals mehr an wert zulegen werden? Das lese ich zwischen den Zeilen.
Das sehen aber die Teilnehmer wohl etwas anders, sonst wären es nicht Dutzende Teilnehmer jeden Tag, oder? Zudem gibt es da auch nicht nur die Karten!! Außerdem, habt ihr denn geprüft, wie viel die Karten gekostet hatten? Was hatte @kryptodenno dafür bezahlt? Sowas müsste zumindest aus eurer Sicht auch geprüft werden, wurde es aber bestimmt nicht. Aus meiner ist es ja irrelevant.

The users were given a suggestion of starting creating original content or declining rewards on these spam giveaway posts but they refused the suggestion as they seemed to see no sense in using Hive if they cannot continue with these farms.

Was ist denn "original content", der Inhalt ist doch von ihm, oder was meinst du?

Ich wäre ganz schön sauer, wenn er die Rewards ablehnen würde, wieso sollte er das machen? Die Nutzer wollen ihm Rewards dafür geben, wieso sollte er das ablehnen? Es wird doch keiner gezwungen, es ist keine Voraussetzung um teilzunehmen, lediglich ein Kommentar ist nötig. Das ist doch der Wille der Community, die teilnimmt, wieso akzeptiert ihr das nicht, wenn so viele das so wollen?

Ganz ehrlich, wenn er nur Farmen wollen würde, dann gäbe es da ganz andere Möglichkeiten.

290 HBD pro Tag für Hivewatcher?

Also wenn das kein Farming ist, dann weiß ich auch nicht. Gern könnt ihr mir aber erklären, wofür Ihr ein Proposal in dieser Höhe benötigt?
Was passiert mit den ganzen HBD? Wer bekommt das?

Ich übernehme gern den Job für 1/10 dessen.

Würde eigentlich noch mehr schreiben, aber leider muss ich bald ins Bett und muss ja gleich noch die englischsprachige Version checken.

@ Community

Anlass war dieser Post

Hier gibt es eine Umfrage:

"Is Hive Watcher's doing a good job?"


Nehmt doch mal teil, mal sehen, wie die Community das sieht. Bisher sind 100 % für nein!

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