Surviving the bear market and taking advantage of the current situation

What a week we have had with crypto market seriously taking a turn downwards causing lost of billions to wiped out following the FTX news and all. It must be admit, it's quite a scary thing see portfolios turn to dust.


While all this might be scary and causing fear, uncertainty and doubt, it brings one back to the reason we all started the crypto journey in the first place. It's time to revaluate once again.

In truth we all love the bull market but we can't do away we the bear market. It's all part of the game. Taking advantage of both market is what matters the most. Price might be down but it's important to see the opportunity we have presented with.

We this is not an easy thing to do i.e investing more funds by dollar cost averaging, it's the only thing to do if we've got the long term perspective and vision in mind. The bear market have taken quite a while but at some point it will wear out.

Market consolidation like are seeing today I believe is actually a good thing as projects without solid reserves and prospects get to identified and projects built on just hype and no substance gets to be done away with. Invest wisely

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