Left wing politics and cryptocurrencies


My grandfather was a dedicated communist. In the Greek civil war, his party lost and he had to walk 1200km to Romania who in that time was a communist country. I remember all his life was dedicated to the Party. We went there and his last words where: Marios never get involved in politics. I wasted my life.
So this is what I did. I never got involved. As a teenager in the 90s rebellious spirit and ideas of revolution for the people found curious ground so I read some books. Some written from Left and others from Right-wing writers. Then I understood I have to read history.
What made me sceptical was when radical left people wherein power, most of the times they were the same if not worse than fascists and dictators. They offered so few to the people.
Then when I grow older I saw Left wings talking trash about capitalism and the Banks, on how they kill, how they exploit people and named them a big enemy.
Six months ago I started to get involved in crypto. When I realised how it works it seemed to me like the biggest revolution of our times. Real revolution without brainwash and manipulation.
So, my dear Hivers, I want to ask you...
Does the left-wing support crypto? They have to!
Supporters and politicians!


Crypto is so anti-establishment even Carl Marx wants to farm Bitcoin and get a Hive account from the grave!
Let me know what do you think. Does or will the left-wing officially support the cryptomarket?
And ofc I mean now in the early days. Not when it will get mainstream in the globe.

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