Opinion. August 29, 2021. The Dangerous Pathway of Running Large Deficits

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The United States is projecting a budget deficit greater than 3 trillion US dollars, similar to the budget deficit of 2020. This is a consequence of the stimulus money that was "created".

Currently the accumulated government debt is above 28 trillion US dollars. Since the United States dollar is the most important world reserve currency, Americans have not felt the effects of significant inflation.

There is a risk, however, that foreigns countries will lose the interest in holding US Treasury bonds. If that were to occur, the dollar will rapidly lose value and. The other problem is that many of the dollars which circulate abroad may return to the US. If that occurs, expect to see inflation levels never before seen in the United States

This post is intended to only raise awareness. In order to make actual financial decisions please contact your financial advisor and/or tax advisor prior to making the decision.
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