Splinterlands EOS rewards and talk on seasonal performance

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What’s up my fellow Splinterlands lovers!

I hope you all have spent an awesome weekend with your family and friends and are now back again in the arsenal. Well, if you haven’t checked out yet, the last splinterlands season just ended 1 day ago and the season reward chests are now claimable if you haven’t collected yours yet. I hope the last season went well for you, though I can't say the same for me. In my previous blogs, I was already talking about it where I shared my goal to teach the top 3 position in Diamond Leaderboard. I was playing decently nice throughout the last season and I even rented some good old untamed dice edition cards some days before the season ended to boost my performance even further. But anyhow, when the last 2 days came, I started losing more and more in ranked matches, and despite reaching even the first position for a little time, I got booted out by other OG players and somehow I secured myself at the top 10 list just before the season ended.


On the other hand, the recent spike in the price of SPS tokens is also spreading a positive vibe in the splinterlands community and beyond. If you are a long-time player and investor in this play2earn game, you were seeing SPS price getting stuck at 0.016 - 0.017$ per unit for a long period. But recently and after the staked SPS requirement update got live, the SPS price also went up like an ignited rocket and right now, it is trading around 0.024$ per unit already. If you look at the change in price from 0.016$ - 0.024$, it is already a flat 50% return on your investment after SPS. For those like me, who believed in this project and either bought and stacked a large chunk of SPS during its all-time low price or have been accumulating and restaking all their SPS and making a good balance, I guess they all are enjoying this price appreciation right now. But this is not the end guys, as we are still in the bear season with most of the altcoins way down than their ATH prices, so once the bull trend starts, I believe that SPS will be one of the pioneers in that race.


I am considering myself lucky enough to get the 9th place in the Diamond League because I was losing so much at a point that I thought not to survive even in the top 20 the last time. However, for being in the top 10 list, I got rewarded with 30k Dec as a leaderboard prize which is just a little above what I spent after renting and buying energies in the last season so, I am just glad that I didn't make it a loss. Also, the rented cards helped to get more Season and focus chests, win more ranked matches, and also to perform better in tournaments and brawls. Altogether, by renting the missing cards in my deck, I was able to earn a bit more overall than usual so I liked my strategy this time. I think it still needs some improvements, some tweaks and upgrades so that I can do better in this current one and, I am thinking to invest in renting and buying energy if required for this time as well in the hope that it makes me able to secure top 3 positions in the leaderboard and also more rewards from other sides.



However, the new season has started already and we have almost 14 days in hand to show our skills and strategies in this wild battle arena. I have already started playing for this season again as I didn't overplay on the season's last day and even stopped playing after I secured the top 10 places back again, so I had enough battle energy in my bar and didn't need to wait for it to get recharged back. On my first day of this season, I collected 10 focus chests which I have already opened and showed the outcome above. Splinterlands has felt my pain from the last season, and to smooth it away, I have been gifted today with a big SPS chunk from one of those 10 reward chests, which brought me 228.23 SPS from a single chest. So overall, I received a total of 232.703 SPS, 3 gold foil common Firecaller cards along with some good regular foil commons and rare ones, 2342 merit points, and 37 legendary potions. For the first day of the season, the rewards were better than I hoped for, so I am happy with the outcome. But, what about my season rewards from the last one? Allow me to showcase them below before talking anymore.

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I finished the last season as usual in the Diamond League by collecting 93 season reward chests which I opened just after the claim button got visible. Normally, I reach around 100 chests every season but this season the number got a little bit lower than usual. But the rewards that I got were pretty good actually which made me happy and forgot the pain of not reaching the top 3 places on the leaderboard. First of all, I got a bigger amount of SPS from reward chests than the last season, despite opening less number of chests this time. Last season, I collected and opened a total of 115 season chests but only received a total of 595.8 SPS from them, but this season I opened only 93 season chests but received 836.18 SPS! So, unlike I say after every season, this time I will say I got a bit luckier with the EOS rewards. Apart from the juicy SPS, I also received 2 chaos packs, 4451 merits, 12 gold foil common cards, 2 legendary, 3 epics, and the rest all rares and commons. I also received a total of 11 summoner cards as well including 3 Death summoners Octavia and 8 Fire summoners so that's kind of a cherry on the top situation for me as I am getting close to upgrading my summoners to max level.

I hope you liked watching my EOS rewards for the last season and reading my post. What was your best reward from the last season? Let me know in the comments below and I will be seeing you all in my next post.


Wish you all good luck on all of your future Splinterlands matches.

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Stay well and keep playing Splinterlands!

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