Traditional banking systems offer the possibility to invest in the cryptocurrency market

Things seem to be stagnating, well I am referring to the area where the Bitcoin price action is to date, which after climbing to the $30,000 level has been stagnating in the last days of the closing of the month of June.

However, in addition to the apparent stability that positions the Bitcoin in the $30,000 area, there are events that give positive signs for the strengthening of the cryptocurrency market, I am referring to the steps that traditional banking systems are taking to offer the possibility of investing in the cryptocurrency market.

One of the banks that today offers its customer pool the possibility of investing in the cryptocurrency market is precisely the BBVA bank whose strategy is focused on giving its customers the option to invest in the digital asset market and manage it through the investment portfolio.

In this sense and according to information disclosed in the portal "Cronista", "The bank from Bilbao is offering a bond known as Fidelity Physical Bitcoin ETN (Exchange Traded Note). It is traded within the European markets in order to track the value of the popular cryptocurrency".

It was also indicated that this bond, issued by the investment firm Fidelity Investments, provides the opportunity to bring this type of investments closer to the clients of this banking entity.

Personally, this type of decision is a clear step in the right direction and it will be necessary to evaluate its practical functionality and determine some ways to coexist in a simple way with the whole cryptocurrency market.


Cronista. Bitcoin alert: BBVA now offers the possibility of investing in cryptocurrencies, how does it work?. Link


The cover image was designed by the author: @lupafilotaxia, incorporating image: Cronista

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