Introduction of myself to Hive

A big hello to all the wonderful people here, first of all I want to thank my friend @thegolden who advised me to enter to this site and made me so excited to share all my ideas and projects here with you. This is my introduction to this great community and for sure I am looking forward to make a lot of great friends here and making friends with everyone.


who am I?

My name is Luize, I'm from Lattakia and it is a beautiful city on the sea in Syria, this country has been under war for more than 10 years but I still see smiling faces in the streets and all the people are very simple here. My parents called me this name because it is the name of my grandfather, these are very old customs here, but I love this name and I love my grandfather very much.


I am 21 years old, I study business administration at Tishreen University and a good content writer, in addition, I am a person who does not stop researching in the field of commerce and business administration. I study and research in the field of trade to become a big businessman, this is one of my biggest ambitions, I want to make my family and everyone around me very proud of me and I am very happy with my choices.

Some of my daily activities

I like to do a lot of activities with friends such as camping and tourism, I play bodybuilding, but one of the activities I commit to daily is my participation with a charitable organization, I started with the organization more than two years ago and I look forward to staying with them for many more years. Although I am not a wealthy person, I always feel motivated to give more to all who need help even if this help is very simple because there are many homeless people and many people who suffer from hunger and poverty on the streets but when I help those people who need help I feel a lot Of love and happiness towards this life.


I love travel and tourism, but due to the difficult financial situation here in Syria, I cannot go to many countries, but for sure one day I will be able to go anywhere I want, so I had to work hard and in my opinion working on the Internet is much better than working on land In fact, I'm going to talk here about one of the most important online businesses that I'm practicing and that I hope one day to master it completely.



E-commerce in my opinion is the largest field of access to wealth in this world, even if you have a very small capital, because all you need in this field is the Internet and a mobile device or laptop connected to the Internet only and a small capital. Every day I watch videos on many websites, and now I have registered for a course with one of the specialists in this field in my country, and I learn more and more daily before I open my first project and my first online store.

why I am here?

I am here in Hive to make a lot of friends, research and learn more about things related to the economy, e-commerce and the like, I also want to discuss my thoughts here about investing in NFTs and how we can achieve great passive income by investing in NFTs. In addition, I think that participating in Hive is useful for everyone to exchange crazy ideas and achieve the greatest possible benefit for everyone, so I will focus in my writing on things related to the economy and also sites that can earn a lot of profits from them on the Internet and of course I want to get a lot of additional experiences here.


My dreams

I want to become a big businessman through e-commerce in order to establish a large charitable organization to help all the needy in my country and contribute to drawing a smile on the faces of many people. I hope my next posts in Hive will be interesting, I am so excited to start my Hive trip and have a great time with everyone here.

Thank you for reading my post

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