6 Things Splinterlands Beginners Should Know


Hello there. Welcome back to my social media challenge blog So here I am going to share little tips for you, especially for beginners, and the first thing is you have to buy a spellbook. Once you have done this step you can go further So there are multiple aspects that I want to share here and as a beginner, it is not easy for you to learn everything within a few days. It can take a month. So don’t worry. Stay focused and start buying a spellbook. Just click on buy spellbook on the interface of Sprinterlands then you have to pay $10 to buy it there are multiple options available And you can choose whatever you want. You can also use Fiat to buy a spellbook. So, check the options in the sprinterlands interface.

Join weekly challenges to earn and invest back in Splinterlands

If you are a beginner on the hive blockchain, then you should not know about this particular thing. splinterlands rewards the creators So if you want to participate in this you have to read the weekly challenges rule and create a post according to those rules, I believe this is necessary to participate, and it is not that much difficult. Without investment, it is a little difficult to go ahead So you have to invest in spinterlands. If you participate in this type of challenge, you will have a reward in your hand. You can use that reward to strengthen your deck. with the spellbook, you just get starter cards and starter cards are not enough to play in the game. And that is why you have to purchase the best cards to strengthen your deck to increase your power in the game. This way you can compete in the battles, and you will win many battles, and winning battles means you will earn more.

Renting Staked SPS

Just having a strong deck Is not enough you must have staked SPS to increase your boost And you know, if you have more staked sps, then you will have a chance to earn more You have to boost your earnings by using staked SPS. SPS is the governance token of the Splinterlands game. It is in percentages, like 8%, 10%, and 11%. At least 10% to 11% is good to earn more rewards. you have to rent staked SPS in the splinterlands rent market or else you have to buy sps from the hive-engine market. And right now, the sps price is low, so you can go for it. As I said in the beginning, you need investment here. And that Is why you must join the weekly challenges so that you will earn something from those challenges. And this way you will slowly grow in splinterlands. only focusing on strengthening your deck is not enough but you have to buy staked sps as well.

Rent cards


If there is any strong card you like then you don’t need to buy that particular card, but you can rent that card. There is a rental market available in the Spinterlands and make sure you are renting a card that is cheap and affordable for you So if you don’t buy it, just rent it And as I said, you can take the Help that you earn from the weekly challenges posts reward. You can also reinvest the income that you are getting from Sprinterlands I hope this will help you to rent more cards There are many strong cards available in the rent market in cheap. You can try them So always check this option I hope this will be helpful for you

Join a guild with good levels

So, after completing two steps like renting staked sps and creating a strong deck Now your third step is joining a best guild. In the guild, you will get sps and merits as a reward You can use those merits to buy a gladiator pack, and you will receive great gladiator cards from that particular pack So that’s why joining the guild is very important. You also need some heavy cards in the guild, because you cannot compete with those starter cards That is why I said that you have to rent some cards and join the weekly challenges so that you can earn and rent powerful cards or buy more cards and this way you will help yourself to earn more in the game

Understanding the opponent and learning from the opponent

Understanding the opponent is the most important thing. Because when you learn to understand your opponent, you will get expertise in team making. How he selects the team and what type of cards your opponent has you need to observe these. And this way you will learn the best team-making skills. whenever you play a battle, always check the previous five teams of your opponent and see what your opponent is taking you have to ready your counter cards and if you follow this, it will be easy to win the battle. And also, you can learn team-making from the opponent and as a beginner, I think this is the best day for you

Understanding the game rule


Team making is hard for new players. And that is why you have to check the opponent's previous five teams as well as the game rules. when you see the battle rules, you must know which card you have to take for example, if there is an earthquake rule, then you have to take a flying ability card and cards with higher health so that you can win the battle. This way you have to learn all the battle rules and use the card according to it So that’s what I want to say in this blog please share this post using #playtoearn and #splinterlands tags And if you are a new user then below is my referral link Just click on it and join splinterlands And if you want any tips, then do a common Below. Have a good day.

Thank you

Lucky Ali

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185300304_441507187470261_6630906744872723300_n-removebg-preview.pngHi I am lucky ali from gujarat, india. I am a crypto enthusiast, blogger, and SEO developer. I am always interested in learning new things and getting new experiences. You can find me on hive, twitter and discord (Lucky Ali#6343). Sharing is caring, Thank you hive family ♥


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