Farming on Hive: dCrops Adventures - Winter Season 32

Farming on Hive Again

A new Season in dCrops, the best #play2earn farming simulator built on the Hive Blockchain, is officially underway, and we are one step closer to the BETA Edition implementations, which are guaranteed to take your farming experience on the blockchain to the next level. The Presale is still live, and more than 13.2k BETA packs have already been sold. As a result, those daily $HIVE dividends are getting better and better as the days go by, making yours truly a very happy CROP Power holder.

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Looks like the game is starting to pick up pace and active users, and I can't wait for the new features to be rolled out, so I can study the economy and mechanics of the expansion and plan my next moves accordingly.

Not much is known for now, so my plan is to keep accumulating $CROP and Reward NFTs along with Land NFTs from the ALPHA Edition, as I'm convinced people are going to have a hard time accommodating new and existing Seeds together with Buildings, Trees, and who knows what else there will be in there. Just speculation for now, but my money is on that.

Down to Business

Winter Season 32 is here, and it's definitely not my best Season of the game. Regardless, it's going to be another productive Season that will bring in passive income with little to no effort. This is the number one reason why I kept buying up ALPHA Edition NFTs the last couple of months, and it's been one of my best investment-oriented decisions so far. As of today, all my Seed NFTs have gained resale value, not to mention the passive $HIVE and $CROP income I have been collecting all this time.

Here's a close-up look of my $CROP factory:

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And here's the full story:

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This time around it took me a little longer than usual to produce this seasonal report, which is why it was already harvest time for one of my Onion Seeds when I took those screenshots. Speed-Gro is a hell of a booster, don't you agree?

My arsenal for the ongoing Season consists of 17 Epic, 44 Rare and 233 Common Seed NFTs, plus 8 Mystery Seeds from last Season's Quest Rewards, which will not go to waste this time as there's plenty of space after my recent Rare Land purchases. I don't mind holding idle Common Land NFTs for the time being, so I did the math and figured I would rather use my Rare and Epic lands more than once instead. That's why you see empty slots in the second screenshot when in reality I could have planted Radish and Peas there.

After applying Speed-Gro and Ferti-Plus, I made sure to reroll all sub-quests I did not like and then I was ready to go:

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The best part is that my CROP Power has already surpassed the 280k mark, so I'm in for a Reward Chest containing at least 28 items come Cabbage harvest time. Combined with the increased drop rates for Epic and Legendary Reward NFTs, this could result in yours truly bagging some very juicy Quest Rewards at the end of the ongoing Season. Fingers crossed!

Winter Season 32 Breakdown:

This time around I'm using 155 plots of Land and 302 Seeds, taking into account the 8 Mystery Seeds from last Season. To be a bit more precise, it's 5 Awesome Lands (Epic), 63 Fertile Lands (Rare) and 16 Average Farmlands (Common).


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Let's Talk Numbers

Below is a brief overview of my Seed NFTs for this Season:

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And below is a rough estimation of my expected Share Rewards (minimum) for this Season:

  • E = Σ[Qi x Bi x Pi], n = 4 =>
    E = (17x10x7) + (44x24x1) + (189x13x1) + (44x3x5) =>
    E = 5,363

Once again, please bear in mind that this is the minimum amount of Shares to be earned, as the calculations did not take into consideration the 8 Mystery Seeds used, nor the chances of scoring bonus or 2-star and 3-star quality Crops.

Final Thoughts

This is by far the most passive blockchain-based, play-to-earn game I've ever come across, and at the same time I find it to be very enjoyable. The game basically grows on you with time, and the dopamine boost is real as things start to snowball. The upcoming additions will change things drastically by introducing a wide range of elements that were missing up until now, so it goes without saying that it will be very interesting to see how things play out in the coming weeks.

Happy farming, and I'll see you around.

Join the fun

Haven't tried dCrops yet? You can sign up using my referral link - it's mandatory! xD

Want to stay tuned with the latest developments? Follow the game's Official Blog on the Hive Blockchain.

Looking for more info? Join the game's Official Discord Server.

Never forget!


I'm just a random guy with opinions.

This is by no means financial advice; just my personal thoughts and experiences. You've probably heard it before, but it can't be stressed enough: always do your own research, and never invest more than you can afford to lose.

Have a good one, everyone.

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