Set for the bull run, hopefully.

I bought some stuff... yep, looks like im a trader now. How far we will go in this bull market is anyones guess but just in case i wanted to spread my portfolio a bit.
This is what it looks like:

I have 2 tokens that i hodl as my main:

  1. #HIVE
  2. #ETH

I have 2 microcap tokens im hopeful for and curious where they will go.

  1. #BSOV
  2. #DEC + splinterlands cards

I have 3 i trade. 1 low cap, 1 mid cap, 1 top 10-15. My actual trading portfolio is about 15% of my total. Currently they are:

  1. #Nano
  2. #XLM
  3. #HXRO

I have a few shards of other stuff here and there, prolly still have about 30-40$ worth of Steem but this is about it.
Considering that just a year ago my total portfolio was barely worth $1500, im pretty happy with how everything turned out. And we still havent really tasted real massive gains like in 2017.


Do i need to talk about it? Im long here, hodl to the end of time. (end of time=$10😉)
Sure, theres still a bunch of problems but hopefully we will manage to deal with them. Its important to be aware of them first.
Web 3.0, passionate community, unlimited potential.

2. ETH

I needed something that would act at least a bit as a hedge against risk in crypto. I dont put money into stablecoins nor do i think i ever will. BTC im not a fan of so i avoid it completely regardless of it being less prone to volatility then ETH atm.
The fear of missing out is too great for me which is why i avoid fiat and stablecoins.. My logic behind it is:
"Im not an experienced trader so i dont trust myself to anticipate changes in such a volatile market. Id rather win or lose with the market then risk getting stuck in fiat."


This is a microcap coin @trumpman introduced me to. I did some research and it seemed legit. I dropped about 0.5 ETH into it a few months ago before it went 7x. Sold my initial investment and kept the rest. It dropped now to lower levels but since i feel like the tokens i have i got basically for for free, i keep em. lol
BSOV is kind of what BTC pretends to be. Its a deflationary token that burns 1% of the transaction every time you move it. Its designed to be hodled and if you use it, send it around you just make everyone elses tokens just a bit more valuable. Theres a nice community and its a microcap token with low liquidity so its not like you can buy more then a few hundred dollars of it. More info for anyone interested.

4. DEC + splinterlands

This is an easy choice. This game has really done a lot for HIVE. It kept it relevant in crypto gaming and shows that you can have a business thrive on our platform. Ive been playing the game consistently over these last 2 years and its probably responsible for most of the STEEM i earned. I think i made something like 4000-5000 Steem on it.
Right now theres a number of games/gaming platform that will be released that are pushing their tokens into the market. SAND is one good example that showed up on Binance Launchpad and did really well.

Why @aggroed is still waiting to get DEC listed on exchanges is beyond me. LeoFinance did it as a Hive engine token as well and theyre currently a much smaller and far lesser known project with far less funding.

Im coming close to hitting 500k DEC and ill probably keep stacking if the price drops a bit more. With the updates coming in the future and with the potential of getting the token listed i see no way how the value of DEC doesnt go up 10x in the mid term. Some tweeks to the economy are necessary but ive been seeing positive change in that direction so im not that worried.


Ill drop these 3 all together. These are just my trading tokens. I used to have Blockstack in there but sold it for 80% gains after the Coinbase announcement. I dont really care much for these. One got some decent coverage on twitter, is some kind of defi trading platform and hasnt mooned yet, Nano is a DAG, XLM you know about. These are just some i expect to move. Nano got me around 20% gains in last couple days, XLM ill hold a bit more and HXRO, ive no idea what ill do with that. lol.

So yeah, thats about what im dealing with. Its not a massively diverse portfolio but im fairly happy with it. Hope not to get rekt. lol

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